John Painter
Elio Addict
In three weeks when EM shows off the engine this will be old news so it will only be briefly mentioned in most articles as they cover the amazing feat of a start-up developing its own engine. This will blow over and life will move on. With all the other news about the engine, and eventually vehicle testing, that will come out this year this delay announcement will not damage EM in the long run.
I agree, I think the engine will end up being the news more than the delay, if it's as solid an engine as it looks. It's small and with relatively long gearing, might look tempting to others. My concern for awhile has been will some of the automobile manufactures under the gun by the feds to keep increasing mileage in their car line up entice Elio into a quid pro quo? Might be good for Elio, not so good for people without reservations if part of their engine production is siphoned off to another company.
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