is # 39252. So how many you think they will make the first year?
March is the estimated month for your delivery, about 169k total
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here. is # 39252. So how many you think they will make the first year?
March is the estimated month for your delivery, about 169k total
The formula is based on what Elio has announced about their planned production schedule.
I saw a person ask EM on Facebook if the fleet sales were counted in the reservation number posted on, and the answer was something like "... the smaller fleet orders are included in the reservation total."
So we don't know what that small upper limit would be, but it sounds like they do have some sizeable fleet orders and that those large orders are not included in the reservation count, for some reason. How's that for vague, lol.
The number you have is an order number from your Elio sign-in where you paid for your Elio. it is not your number spot in line number. I have two order number but for one Elio, one order number 14892 is for $100 Non-refundable I'm All In (I order on May 2014), and the other order number 36641 is for $100 to $1000 Non-refundable I'm All In UPGRADE (I order on December 2014).here again, I don't believe that 39252 is his number
that is an interesting link .... I'd love to see the formula that they used to create that estimator
Not the case.I all in for only 100 bucks because I figure if the thing falls apart the dream is worth 100 bucks.
My order number on the receipt 100039252 dated 1/4/2015 and I figured since they were at 38177 on 12/29/2014 it was reasonable to think it was build # 39252. My bad if that is not the case...
I all in for only 100 bucks because I figure if the thing falls apart the dream is worth 100 bucks.
My order number on the receipt 100039252 dated 1/4/2015 and I figured since they were at 38177 on 12/29/2014 it was reasonable to think it was build # 39252. My bad if that is not the case...
I all in for only 100 bucks because I figure if the thing falls apart the dream is worth 100 bucks.
My order number on the receipt 100039252 dated 1/4/2015 and I figured since they were at 38177 on 12/29/2014 it was reasonable to think it was build # 39252. My bad if that is not the case...