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Please, Please Open The Door.


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
I vowed no politics and hope this doesn't qualify as it refers to the judicial - but if it does I must remove it, check Clarence (The mute)Thomas' wife
RU, would you please take a vow to find me someone who can see the significant difference between a coke can with a pubic hair and possible criminal prosecution of a possible felon in the second most powerful public office in the land. You have nothing here but an innuendos and a pubic hair on a coke can. How is this on a level with #Fast and Furious". Jail time for a common criminal if proven and that's not even mentioning his most grievous offence, betrayal of his oath of office and the Public trust. Heck even You and I can even prove that. It is a dereliction of duty for Federal Attorney General to knowingly lie weeks about "Hands up Don't shoot" when he knew full well that was simply not so within a couple days. Some would say He should be charged for helping to incite a riot. Oh I forgot. Hes chief Cop of the nation. Better not mess with him, right? It's just one more embarrassment for the Country.


Elio Addict
Aug 18, 2014
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I just do not have the will power to stay out of this and keep my
mouth shut.

For all of the politically correct bleeding hearts, I have
one thing to say, thank you for the current state of affairs
this country finds itself in.

Never before have we been the complete laughing stock of the
rest of the world nor lacked the stones to change it.

The mainstream, drive by media has been carefully orchestrating
the liberal agenda to a near the tipping point in the history of this
great nation. If you even care to know the truth of this statement,
simply check the validity of the attached list and then get back to me.

Our children will inherit a country where we no longer Pray or recite
the Pledge of Allegiance in school, where thugs are eulogized, where
terrorists and other illegal immigrants are welcomed with open arms
and decent law abiding citizens are denied their Constitutional First and
Second Amendment Rights. A country where the President declares
Illegal Executive Powers and writes his own laws to destroy our borders.

Where political candidates are openly funded by terrorist nations and Christians and Jews are considered to be more dangerous than Muslim Extremists. We are now a country where our brilliant Imperial leader makes arms deals with nations that chant "death to America" while denigrating long time allies like Isreal.

The "American Dream", that so many millions came legally to this
country for, will go away to be replaced with the doctrine of the
"Government Dole" where the Imperial leadership will provide and
"Rule". Socialism is on it's way here, it's been so successful for so
many other countries that our Liberal leadership has decided to
change our system and protect us from the dreaded Capitalism.

A country where unconscionable ethnic prejudices are replaced with
entitlements instead of education and fostering of real equality, where
family values and pride of accomplishment is replaced with government
hand outs. Where real heroes like Dr Martin Luther King, who so nobly
gave all for true freedom, are replaced by the likes of Al Sharpton.
Where true American heroes, our Veterans, are forgotten and their
decades old memorials disrespected. Instead we praise lechers like Biden,
hoodlums like K West and thieves like Clinton, (pick one).

I am breathlessly awaiting your righteous indignation.
Nothing personal, just saying.

If you want to understand why the mainstream media is so in love with the Obama administration, this can in part be explained by the fact that a number of big shots who control levers of media power actually do love high-placed officials within the Obama administration. By blood and through marriage, there is more than just a shared belief in left-wing politics that ensured the American media became a mouthpiece for the Obama administration.
David Rhoades, the current president of CBS News, is the brother of Ben Rhoades, a White House national security advisor. If Ben’s name sounds familiar, that is likely due to his reported role in the editing of the now infamous Benghazi talking points.

Claire Shipman, a senior national correspondent at ABC News, is married to no other than Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary.

If those ties between the Obama White House and ABC News aren’t disturbing enough, the president of ABC News, Ben Sherwood, is brother to Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, a special advisor to Barack Obama.

Virginia Moseley is a CNN Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief married to Tom Nides, a Deputy Secretary of State under Barack Obama.

What is especially interesting is that three of the White House officials listed here, who are related in some way to mainstream media big shots, have ties to the Benghazi scandal. Tom Nides is at State, Ben Rhoades was part of the talking point debacle, and Jay Carney spent over a week repeatedly making false claims about terrorists not being behind the September 11th anniversary attack on our diplomatic outpost.

This might help to explain why the media spent the better part of a month in the run up to the election blasting Mitt Romney for his comments on Benghazi as opposed to the Obama Administration for their bungling and lying about Benghazi.
I made a quick check of all those names and WOW! Dusty, I am speechless. That was truly an amazing read. Thank you.


Elio Addict
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Northeast Georgia
I made a quick check of all those names and WOW! Dusty, I am speechless. That was truly an amazing read. Thank you.

Thanks ehwatt and all the other thinkers on this forum.
Just exploded what is in my heart and troubles my soul. I have three absolutely
wonderful Grandsons, thanks to my son and his amazing wife. I find the frequent need to apologize to them for what my generation has left them, after we soaked up the abundant freedoms of America and elected morons, thugs and crooks to guard it.
PS, I am truly honored to be associated with the guys you follow, ehwatt. :D
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Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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Actually, a small gyro copter like the one in discussion only travels at about 25 mph, I read somewhere. It was flying at 200 feet or below. I had the same thought about this being an example for bad guys. Maybe now they'll come up with a better radar system for the area.
The point is kind of moot, given the future of quadicopters. Readily available and able to deliver a fairly sizable 'package'. So those fence spikes are only good for some very limited protection.
Look at this -Tacitus- video for example. (for sale from CZ?, is that car imported then?)


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
The point is kind of moot, given the future of quadicopters. Readily available and able to deliver a fairly sizable 'package'. So those fence spikes are only good for some very limited protection.
Heck, I don't need no stinking chopper. I would just like to have a business selling this guy cortlite, used cars, and Manicins. Personally, I rather liked his under water fully automatic shotgun that shoots exploding slugs. LOL
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Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I have been blessed through my life with a number of friends and mentors
that were wonderful human beings and Great Americans, who just happened
to be Black Americans. Must be really embarrassing for them!

Never met any one 'black' until I got in the AirForce in 72. Then in the main shop where I worked, the 'black guys' were the only ones not screwy in the head. They were the best friends I had there. Also, when Harry Cord took over as shop chief, oh yes, he was good. Always on top of the job, but never ever a jerk about anything. I mean it, every kind of screwy soap-opera paradigm you can think of was represented with the 'non-black' guys.
True there were personality quirks with everyone. But it was much easier to interact with the 'other' guys.
Frankly the entire perception of race fell off the table for me. There is no race, only culture.


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
I tell every Black I meet that if one has their eyes directed toward finding the truth and I mean the real truth of the matter, you'll be thankful for any friend you've got, Blacks, Jewish, most Catholics, most Protestants and all nationalities. For those who think I left someone out you probably have a PHD and support the big O.
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