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Opportunity To Ask Questions Directly To Elio


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Maybe I don't understand how to read their blog, nothing has changed at all so far today (Thursday 4/10/14 12:30pm)
They won't answer any of the questions till tomorrow. I figure they'll pick and choose some questions and post like 10 questions with answers. They'll probably pick ones like the gas cap question... I can see the answer already "From an engineering standpoint, it makes more sense to put in on the right side but the design is not final."


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Readers Choice Friday!

Another great Friday to our Elio Friends and Family! Spring is springing up and people are coming out of their winter hiding with lots of questions for today’s “Readers Choice Friday”. We sorted through the questions and picked some of the more common ones to answer below. Some of your questions will be answered in future planned blogs so stay tuned!

Let’s dive in!

Q: I really want a test drive, when can I get one?

  • We are planning a full test drive program similar to what you would do at a new car dealer today. The full-scale test drive program will start with the roll-out of our Elio Stores in the top 60 markets.
Q. I have an All In reservation for ($100, $500, $1000 etc.), when can I get my Elio?

  • The reservation system is set up to allow for vehicles to be delivered in the following order: $1,000 All In, $500 All In, $250 All In, $100 All In then on to the $1000 Want In, $500 Want In, $250 Want In and finally the $100 Want In group. The date and time your transaction was completed locks in your spot, which includes moving up to a higher level with and upgrade of your All In reservation. It is difficult to forecast when a certain level will get their Elio. The only one that we can “guesstimate” right now is the $1000 All in group because they know their spot in line. If you were to make a $1000 All In reservation today we are estimating that you would receive a vehicle 5-7 weeks after production starts next year.
Q. When I made my reservation, there wasn’t a spot to pick my color or options… what gives?

  • This is a popular question that creates a lot of emails. The reservation gets you a spot in line (and some other benefits) for an Elio. The next fun step will be when you get to actually “make” your Elio! So here is how it is going to work for reservation holders at all levels: about 60 days before your Elio is scheduled to be built you will receive an email that contains a link to your own personal Elio page. On this page you will get to choose what your Elio will be: color, transmission, options… everything! We are even looking into technology that will allow you to see your vehicle with color and options live on the screen as you build it. Once you submit that we will plug it into our build plan and make an Elio especially for you!
Q. How hard is it to change the rear tire?

  • It’s not! The rear wheel cover comes off with a couple of clips which reveals the rear tire and swing arm. From there it is just like any other vehicle, jack it up, undo and remove the tire, put the working tire up and reverse the steps. Viola, tire changed with maybe 4 minutes extra time invested.
Thanks for everyone that sent in questions, there were A LOT of them (note: most from Friday 4/11 will be addressed on the next Readers Choice blog).


Here is the upcoming Preview Tour schedule:

  • April 11-13 – Barrett Jackson Auto Auction, West Palm Beach, Florida; 9067 Southern Blvd – Just Inside Gate 2
  • April 22 – Nashville, TN area, location TBA
  • April 24 – Oklahoma City, OK area, location TBA
Thank you for your continued support!


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Their silence is deafening.
Readers Choice Friday!
by eliomotors

Another great Friday to our Elio Friends and Family! Spring is springing up and people are coming out of their winter hiding with lots of questions for today's "Readers Choice Friday". We sorted through the questions and picked some of the more common ones to answer below. Some of your questions will be answered in future planned blogs so stay tuned!

Let's dive in!

Q: I really want a test drive, when can I get one?

  • We are planning a full test drive program similar to what you would do at a new car dealer today. The full scale test drive program will start with the roll-out of our Elio Stores in the top 60 markets.
Q. I have an All In reservation for ($100, $500, $1000 etc.), when can I get my Elio?

  • The reservation system is set up to allow for vehicles to be delivered in the following order: $1,000 All In, $500 All In, $250 All In, $100 All In then on to the $1000 Want In, $500 Want In, $250 Want In and finally the $100 Want In group. The date and time your transaction was completed locks in your spot, which includes moving up to a higher level with and upgrade of your All In reservation. It is difficult to forecast when a certain level will get their Elio. The only one that we can "guesstimate" right now is the $1000 All in group because they know their spot in line. If you were to make a $1000 All In reservation today we are estimating that you would receive a vehicle 5-7 weeks after production starts next year.
Q. When I made my reservation, there wasn't a spot to pick my color or options... what gives?

  • This is a popular question that creates a lot of emails. The reservation gets you a spot in line (and some other benefits) for an Elio. The next fun step will be when you get to actually "make" your Elio! So here is how it is going to work for reservation holders at all levels: about 60 days before your Elio is scheduled to be built you will receive an email that contains a link to your own personal Elio page. On this page you will get to choose what your Elio will be: color, transmission, options... everything! We are even looking into technology that will allow you to see your vehicle with color and options live on the screen as you build it. Once you submit that we will plug it into our build plan and make an Elio especially for you!
Q. How hard is it to change the rear tire?

  • It's not! The rear wheel cover comes off with a couple of clips which reveals the rear tire and swing arm. From there it is just like any other vehicle, jack it up, undo and remove the tire, put the working tire up and reverse the steps. Viola, tire changed with maybe 4 minutes extra time invested.
Thanks for everyone that sent in questions, there were A LOT of them (note: most from Friday 4/11 will be addressed on the next Readers Choice blog).


Here is the upcoming Preview Tour schedule:

  • April 11-13 - Barrett Jackson Auto Auction, West Palm Beach, Florida; 9067 Southern Blvd - Just Inside Gate 2
  • April 22 - Nashville, TN area, location TBA
  • April 24 - Oklahoma City, OK area, location TBA
Thank you for your continued support!


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
I was wondering how they were going to answer questions asked yesterday for today's blog. The answer is, they didn't. I'm not surprised. I don't doubt that they got a lot of questions. They all have to be sorted, combined where appropriate, plus whatever other hoops they need/choose to put them through. Then they have to select which ones they will answer. LOL That is a huge job. And as they said, the questions asked yesterday will have to wait for the next FAQ blog. So I will sit back and enjoy the ride. And wait. Will you join me in peace and good will? I hope so. :-) Z

Joshua Caldwell

Staff member
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Will you join me in peace and good will? I hope so. :) Z
nope, not so good at the whole peace thingie

If you've ever been to a bioware game event, it's a similar thing. They pay thousands of dollars to fly 3 employees out to an event and pay for an open free bar, take questions for an hour, and don't answer a single one with new information.
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