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Not Ready To Pull The Trigger Just Yet...


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
My biggest concern is the funding of the project. Have Elio got the grants they were after? It seems to have gone quiet on this topic. I know they publicised that they had cleared some of the hurdles needed but I don't recall that they had actually succeeded in obtaining the capital.

No, I haven't put any money down, but I'd buy an Elio if it proves possible to register one in UK.

EM has not yet been given a response either way. As the decision will be a matter of public record we will hear about it one way or another. Even under this revised version of this program, which is supposed to make decisions quicker, it very well could take a year for everything to work its way through even though most of us hope a decision comes sooner than that.


Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
What a boring world this would be if no one took a chance. If no one stepped up and tried something new. Anything worth doing has risk.
At my house we are the type to jump out of the plane , to climb the rock to jump in the water. We test the stun gun on each other.
Jumping into the ELIO was not a big deal . When I showed the others I had hit send on the $1000 the first questions was should we maybe sign up for two.
I understand some feel the need to sit in the back of the class. Someone has to fill those seats but not us. We want to see The ELIO make it. Next time you think someone needs to do something to beat the high gas prices to make transportation more affordable, look in the mirror .
Haha. Anything involving heights simply isn't happening with me. When I fly, I choose an aisle seat so I can't see out the window!
I don't really think that Elio is in such a cash strapped position that my reservation is going to make or break the company. When the car comes out, I WILL buy it and it will NOT be an "and" vehicle for me.
For me it's not really so much about chances but about smart investments. A reservation is basically an interest free loan. Why should I have money sitting interest free even I've got credit cards charging 22%, or even just student loans charging 3.5%?
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Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
How much money anyone decides to put down, if any at all, is a very personal choice with a lot of factors involved as everyone has different expectations and different financial situations. Some people may not be able to afford to put anything down at all while others can afford to lose $1K without missing it. Some people would never put money down on anything they have not seen and/or driven in person while others need to be the first to receive a new toy and do not care about those things. My advice to everyone I tell about Elio Motors is to study things as much as they can and decide what they want to do based on their own individual needs and financial situation

For myself I am enjoying this adventure, with all it's ups and downs, as I generally try not to stress about decisions I can not change. I do my proper due diligence then make a decision and deal with the consequences as best as I can. Before I jumped All-In I fully understood that this project was going to be at least a year from completion and could be subject to more delays or even complete failure. I also knew that I was fortunate in that I would never even realize the money was gone so I would not miss it if I lost it.


Elio Addict
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hampden, MA
Life offers just two guarantees. One is you will pay some taxes. The other is that our time here is finite. Doing things you are comfortable with are one way of making yourself happy. At times pushing the envelope reminds you just how alive you are. In my life pulling a trigger has always fired a weapon. Seems a poor analogy for a financial decision.


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
The Villages, Fl.
How much money anyone decides to put down, if any at all, is a very personal choice with a lot of factors involved as everyone has different expectations and different financial situations. Some people may not be able to afford to put anything down at all while others can afford to lose $1K without missing it. Some people would never put money down on anything they have not seen and/or driven in person while others need to be the first to receive a new toy and do not care about those things. My advice to everyone I tell about Elio Motors is to study things as much as they can and decide what they want to do based on their own individual needs and financial situation

For myself I am enjoying this adventure, with all it's ups and downs, as I generally try not to stress about decisions I can not change. I do my proper due diligence then make a decision and deal with the consequences as best as I can. Before I jumped All-In I fully understood that this project was going to be at least a year from completion and could be subject to more delays or even complete failure. I also knew that I was fortunate in that I would never even realize the money was gone so I would not miss it if I lost it.

I'm in for $1k, but no-one should risk money they NEED. So, do what is comfortable for you. It is not nice to comment on the decisions that others have made, just because you think differently.

I don't go to casinos or bet on sports, many do. I think my bet on the Elio has better odds than a crap table.


Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Life offers just two guarantees. One is you will pay some taxes. The other is that our time here is finite. Doing things you are comfortable with are one way of making yourself happy. At times pushing the envelope reminds you just how alive you are. In my life pulling a trigger has always fired a weapon. Seems a poor analogy for a financial decision.
Spray bottles also have triggers. The term means making a decision that can have substantial consequences and cannot easily (if at all) be undone.

Personally, I don't see this as a gambling decision like so many others have. For those who have put in a reservation, did you really do it as a gamble never really expecting to see the money again? I see this as a financial investment and budgeting decision. Unless my reservation payment is going to accrue interest applied against the purchase price of the car, there is a better ROI on using those funds to pay down debt. Until a firm production date is set, it just isn't possible to calculate the ROI on buying a place in line.


Elio Addict
Jul 22, 2014
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Mainly elsewhere
It would a double gamble for me so I'd be stupid to put any money down. I'm as enthusiastic as anyone could be about the Elio concept but since the design changed (when the P3 version became the P4), it appears that the vehicle will not comply with the UK construction and use regulations because of the spacing of the headlights. A great shame if this is the case. As I've said a number of times, it would be possible to get the P3 roadworthy in UK, but not the latest advertised design. I'm certainly not going to risk putting a deposit on any vehicle that I won't be able to use!


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
make no mistake, in terms of guaranteeing a return on an investment, at this time, "All In" reservations are a gamble .... that will continue to be the case until the product is delivered .... in my mind, the odds against EM going into production are growing smaller and smaller .... but that's just me .... as has been repeatedly noted, folks who are uncomfortable with making a reservation may be well advised hold off ....



Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
Spray bottles also have triggers. The term means making a decision that can have substantial consequences and cannot easily (if at all) be undone.

Personally, I don't see this as a gambling decision like so many others have. For those who have put in a reservation, did you really do it as a gamble never really expecting to see the money again? I see this as a financial investment and budgeting decision. Unless my reservation payment is going to accrue interest applied against the purchase price of the car, there is a better ROI on using those funds to pay down debt. Until a firm production date is set, it just isn't possible to calculate the ROI on buying a place in line.
Trying to be polite, I think it would be in your best interest to invest your energy in some other "adventure", free advise costs nothing, and for you should be worthless. You're on the wrong site, you should "invest" your energy in a support group to find a safe, low cost, no risk, no loss place for your money @ 1% FDIC it is insured by the feds
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