Elio Fan
I signed up when it was $6800. I met Paul Elio. I have a t-shirt.Does anyone know how many people signed the commitment to buy the Elio at the price (I believe) of $7,400?
The price difference per vehicle is $14,900 - $7,400 = $7,500.
Assuming profit was 25% of the $14,900, this equals $3,725 profit per vehicle.
The loss Elio Motors would take per vehicle would be $7,500 - $3725 = $3,775.
Perhaps Elio Motors would be able to honor the price of $7,400 to those who signed the commitment.
I do not know.
I would like to hear other opinions.
It would be bad public relations if they did not honor these commitments made by their followers.
I am sure Paul Elio has talked about this with expert lawyers.
Lot of good any of that has done me.
I want my MTV..............................