The Spiritus Deluxe with 200+ range and 5 sec to 60 is impressive let alone the sleek design and even the price is just right's always the same story, make a deposit, promised production next year which could actually in the next 5 years and all you can actually buy are their merchandise. I don't think they even have a working prototype.He probably meant the Sonders three-wheeler. (Storm Sonders)
This three-wheeled EV wants to be your daily driver for $10,000
It's barely in alpha right now, but Sondors' trike leaves us intrigued
The Sonders is pretty much dead, but along those lines, I hope this one that's backed by Daymak eventually makes it to production:
The Spiritus is a 3-wheel all-electric car with incredible speed and incredible capacity of 400km (249m) range. Capable of going 0-60 in 1.8s Get charged