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L.a. Auto Show...gimme Input


Elio Addict
Sep 20, 2015
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So. Cal.
Funny you should mention "LED or incandescent. I've worked in the electrical industry for over 15 years.
Today, we (the distributor I work for) recieved a letter from GE lighting, which boiled down too basically saying "since LED lighting is more expensive, and not many are buying it on a large scale, we've decided to raise our pricing on incandescent, HID, and flourescent fixtures".
It really doesn't matter what type of lighting it has. The manufacturers have decided "if your not going to buy these new LED fixtures we've put so much time and money in the development process, we'll just raise our prices on what we are selling, until you do!".
LED technology is kind of a scam. Yes, the LEDs will last for 10 years or more, but what they don't tell you, is the drivers for LED lighting (basically what a ballast is to flourescent lamps) are only going to last about 5 years.
As an electrician that does construction and sees the installation of this it gets even worse. Here in CA it has been mandated that incandescent lighting be phased out. With the passage of the Title 24 statutes that govern energy efficiency LED and fluorescent lighting will be all that we install. Not to mention time clocks, motion sensors, IR detectors are all being mandated, upping the cost of any and all construction projects. It is a double edged sword. While it is great that energy efficiency and reduction of consumption is the goal, it is yet to be seen if, or how bad, the negative impact on building and expansion it will be.
With all that being said it is easy to see where people get the notion that government is in "cahoots" with business. Government mandates that require more expensive and expansive products can't hurt the bottom line.
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Elio Addict
Sep 20, 2015
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So. Cal.
< .................. and on 10-1 Karnaj is making snide remarks about me and not allowing Nazi attire to an auto show ......... >

Oh Hi, I was just making some end user notes :becky:

On that list of questions add in :
1) Look to see if it has two armrests; if not ask why. We were told before (many times) that it will have two
1a) if it does have the two armrests; how are they mounted? On the seat? On the door and R. side on seat?
Or both on the door and the R inside panel

2) For sure what options are going to be included; Air, Cruise, Power Window/door lock, and ?
3) Get pictures of the outside rear view mirrors; see if they are power or manual adjustment.
4) Are the turn signal / interior lights / side marker / tail lights LED or incandescent?
Look at the bright side Coss... On my first mention of you at least I got your name right ;)


Elio Addict
May 3, 2014
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Can you ask about the owners manual? I'm assuming it will be a d/l PDF ( saves $$$). If so, when might we get a peek at it. ( I know, cart waayy before the horse... But what else have we got to do?) :rolleyes:


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
Please ask for a confirmed date when # 11,492 licorice will roll out. I heard the guy who will own this one is cute, handsome and a fine feller who only stretches truth when he can get away with it.
You might have missed EM's blog mention that after the first run (11,250-approx.), they would shut the line, train the 2nd shift and recalibrate the robots.- Estimated time 8 days (working thru weekends), so my guess would be an additional two weeks-
On the upside, you will have extra time to decide on your options


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
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Junction, TX
Can someone ask the question to confirm again:

The expected output during the first 90 days is 19,000 vehicles.

I remember a piece that said the line would initially start at 1 shift - 350 units / shift and build up to 500 units / shift, at which point they would split the force and go to two shifts - 350 units / shift (or 700 units per day) and build up to 500 units / shift (or 1000 units per day) and a five day week. That's where the 250,000 per year came from. They also had the length of time for production build ups but that's the part I can't remember.


Elio Addict
Mar 6, 2014
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1) Look to see if it has two armrests; if not ask why. We were told before (many times) that it will have two
1a) if it does have the two armrests; how are they mounted? On the seat? On the door and R. side on seat?
Or both on the door and the R inside panel

I always question armrest on door panels as they are so low your arms don't rest on them. My arm rests on the top of the door everyone i see does something similar.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
I always question armrest on door panels as they are so low your arms don't rest on them. My arm rests on the top of the door everyone i see does something similar.
Good point... and then you are moving your arm around because the window seal rubber cuts into it a bit. Well, it does on my truck.
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