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Help From Trump??

Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
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South West
Wasn't there a cut and paste from a Mr.Gibberson on Facebook on a different thread about Perry taken a closer look at the ATVM program if approved?


Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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We can only guess what the "Master Plan " is .It maybe to clear the path for free enterprise and deregulate .Many government funded or backed project have not been terribly successful no matter who runs the country .


Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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no problem with CIVIL political commentary so long as it is directly related to EM .... unfortunately, history shows we have a few folks who have problems with the CIVIL part (courtesy and politeness) .... if/when that happens, the conversation will end
I agree ,politics drives every aspect of our lives .As it was pointed out to me by my engineer half the country disagrees so be careful what you say .


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
Here's the way I see it with Trump. He's not going to put up with someone that can't meet milestones. As we all know, Paul is the poster child for that. With that being said, Trump will look at it as a business and not through emotion. I believe Elio will get the loan but the provisions are going to change. Trump is going to want a timeline to state exactly what is going to happen and when. Items like:

- When all 1500 people will be on the payroll and working.
- The day Elio #1 comes off the line.
- Then day Elio #65K rolls off the line.
- When Elio is at full capacity.

The money would come in phases as to when various milestones are met. To make sure that Paul is not blowing smoke up Donalds keister, there will be a special person that will literally be shadowing Paul and coming back with their own progress reports every week. If Paul can't do what he says he's going to do, he has to resign, someone else comes in to replace him and get the project done. There's nothing wrong with doing this because that's how the real world works. The last thing the DoE needs to do is loan out all of this money and find out that once it's all burned through, Elio is back sitting and doing nothing because they need more money to get the job completed. This is a loan, not just free money to do whatever you want with it and no hops in paying it back. Trump doesn't seem to be the person to put up with that.
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