I agree that kids should earn the money for the car, they appreciate the car more if they earned it. I live in an area that sixteen year olds are driving new BMW's. My son is paying for most of his tuition, but I worry that he is spending too much time working and not enough on studies. Wish I knew the correct approach.If I had kids, I certainly wouldn't buy them a car. My dad didn't buy me a car and all my money that I earned went to the one big check I wrote for my first year in college. I do think if a kid wants a car that they should have a lot of skin in the game for that car but frankly that is not what I see parents doing.
I remain amazed at the amount of money parents spend on kids. Back in the day, I had a number of friends whose parents did buy them new Honda Civics because they were essentially the "AND" vehicle of the day. Today, I see many parents easily blow through the cost of an Elio on all kinds of expenditures for their kids so I don't see the cost of an Elio being a significant issue for those parents. I also know quite a few parents that wouldn't hesitate to spend 2 to 3 times the cost of an Elio on a vehicle for their kids so having an option like the Elio might be a good way for them to save a bit.