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For Those Who Think Ev Information Is Appropriate For An Elio Forum...

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Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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It's only when people are ignorant of the dangers that the risk is higher. Take your buried cables for instance. While they are a hazard if cut the danger is reduced because its current is going to ground and typically the ground can absorb it. There are exceptions. Utility workers have been killed by high power lines (5000 volts plus) that fell onto the ground and they were thirty feet away from it. With electric vehicles, the issue isn't so much the charger itself, but the electrical going to the motors. Someday, a home mechanic is going to open up a vehicles control box thinking its "only" battery powered anyway, and not recognize the danger potential inside. I expect the manufacturers will use a security fastener to limit access to qualified service personnel. As we all know, a determined person can find a way in. There may even be warning labels, but will the warnings be heeded?

As for natural (or propane gas), yes they can be dangerous too. Especially as they get older or are disturbed. Pipes rust. Ground moves.
Natural gas also has no smell. That is why the gas supplies are given a rotten egg smell, so that leaks can be detected easier.
Trivia: The first scratch and sniff product was made for Dayton Power and Light by National Cash Register (NCR). It was the rotten egg smell. They sent it to all their customers so they would know what a gas leak would smell like.

And I agree, life can be dangerous, no matter what you do.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
Good news is that you won't have to worry about EV's taking over for a while. So, the problems will happen but at a slow pace. I'd say you got a good 20 years of IC Engines dominating the landscape. So all of the issues what will cause problems have time to be addressed and there will be mistakes but that's just the way it is like with any new technology. I just spend two days at an SAE IC Engine symposium and there are other things on the horizon for IC Engines. Even those companies and manufacturers know that they got about another 20 years and that will be the shift toward EV's. We can breathe a sigh of relief and know that things will be the same for a while.
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