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Fat Cats Talk Big But.......


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
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Yeah, Mitt was responsible for closing 28/29 operating, profitable Delphi manufacturing plants, losing 25,000 middle-class jobs and moving them to China-- our job-creator, Mitt.

Those companies were dead anyway he saved many companies from the same fate.
He gave 22% of his cash away the other hero 0%.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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They say they do, BUT DO THEY?
Anyway I just asked why they didn't try to help save the country on OIL.

Bill Gates buys Jenny Craig's horse farm for $18 million
So? He only gave away $30 billion of his $83 Billion net worth. Jenny sold him the ranch valued at $25 million +
for a measly $18 million knowing he would keep the property in it's natural state as a horse ranch and hunting preserve rather than allowing a fat cat developer from turning it into a shopping mall. Sounds like another good investment opportunity allowing for more return and more philanthropy. I'll research any activity Gates and Buffet have initiated to save us from oil. They are probably heavily invested in alterative energy products.
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harlan stephens

Elio Addict
Oct 5, 2014
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United States
What I find funny about people discussing the fear of control of investor's ....you folks understand the goverment loan guaranty has strings attached as well....
Also a few prerequisites that must be in order for it to be appoved..
If you look at auto start ups, paying back there loans, the record is not so great, and been a black eye for this administration. Not taking sides here ...
Just sayin.
Em faces an uphill battle, due to the failures that went on before.
And I am sure will swoop in a lot faster now adays if benchmarks are not met.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH
This topic has been discussed before -- and knowledgeably. Elio chose not to approach Mr. Buffet because he is basically giving his money to the Gates Foundation -- and the Gates Foundation focuses on a limited number of problems. The Elio would not be in their areas of interest. Go to the Bill and Melissa Gates foundation and read for yourself what they're interested in funding.

So much for Mr. Buffet. And Mr. Gates. Elio's Jerry Vassallo told me this summer that there were a handful of other "super investors" (venture capitalists) who might be interested, but the company couldn't handle the number of controls and "management inputs" these funding sources typically require. The Elio is Paul's car, and he isn't about to sell it or his vision short. Venture capitalists are all about control -- and that does not suit Mr. Elio.

All of this has been discussed before. I'm not making this stuff up; read my report on a lengthy interview with Jerome Vassallo written around June 19.

If you have other information, please share it ... but it would be nice to do your homework first.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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This topic has been discussed before -- and knowledgeably. Elio chose not to approach Mr. Buffet because he is basically giving his money to the Gates Foundation -- and the Gates Foundation focuses on a limited number of problems. The Elio would not be in their areas of interest. Go to the Bill and Melissa Gates foundation and read for yourself what they're interested in funding.

So much for Mr. Buffet. And Mr. Gates. Elio's Jerry Vassallo told me this summer that there were a handful of other "super investors" (venture capitalists) who might be interested, but the company couldn't handle the number of controls and "management inputs" these funding sources typically require. The Elio is Paul's car, and he isn't about to sell it or his vision short. Venture capitalists are all about control -- and that does not suit Mr. Elio.

All of this has been discussed before. I'm not making this stuff up; read my report on a lengthy interview with Jerome Vassallo written around June 19.

If you have other information, please share it ... but it would be nice to do your homework first.
I personally responded to Mr. Kemp's statement referring to Gates and Buffet as Fat Cats not caring about people and sitting in a room counting their money! I certainly didn't imply The Gates Foundation was anything other than a Philanthropic Foundation........which validates they both care.

I am certain Elio has his business plan, vehicle engineering & design, along with funding alternatives under control.
No reason for speculation.


Elio Addict
Sep 11, 2014
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You know Buffett , Gates and others you see pretending to want to help the people well I ask them why not invest in Elio. Look at the OIL it will save the country and how it will help the little working man/woman and their families.
Even those that make very little it would help them maybe get a job in having to drive to work.
Where are the FAT CATS? Home counting their money.
Elio will be good for everyone, not just the few.
A recent study I heard on NPR within the past few days stated that the poor and middle class donate a higher percentage of their wealth than the rich. By a significant percentage. With that said, the amounts donated by the rich are staggering which goes to show how much money they actually have.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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A recent study I heard on NPR within the past few days stated that the poor and middle class donate a higher percentage of their wealth than the rich. By a significant percentage. With that said, the amounts donated by the rich are staggering which goes to show how much money they actually have.
I agree, but you generalize 'the rich'..............there are rich people like Gates and Buffet that give back thru plilanthropic foundations, politically work to preserve the middle class, and promote social programs to assist the working poor. I read Buffet will donate 99% of his wealth to the Gates Foundation on both his and his wife's death and not just continue his family fortune. Then there are the greedy rich that would rather take more from the middle class while preserving their peronal wealth....while building monuments to themselves. Paul Elio may be rich or most certainly will be rich........but is working to maintain and build his wealth by providing USA jobs while building affordable transportation for and supporting the average guy.........admirably rich. A win win rich. Go Elio!
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Elio Addict
Sep 11, 2014
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This topic has been discussed before -- and knowledgeably. Elio chose not to approach Mr. Buffet because he is basically giving his money to the Gates Foundation -- and the Gates Foundation focuses on a limited number of problems. The Elio would not be in their areas of interest. Go to the Bill and Melissa Gates foundation and read for yourself what they're interested in funding.

So much for Mr. Buffet. And Mr. Gates. Elio's Jerry Vassallo told me this summer that there were a handful of other "super investors" (venture capitalists) who might be interested, but the company couldn't handle the number of controls and "management inputs" these funding sources typically require. The Elio is Paul's car, and he isn't about to sell it or his vision short. Venture capitalists are all about control -- and that does not suit Mr. Elio.

All of this has been discussed before. I'm not making this stuff up; read my report on a lengthy interview with Jerome Vassallo written around June 19.

If you have other information, please share it ... but it would be nice to do your homework first.

How do they find this middle ground. If they dont want to give up any control to get funding, how are they going to get funding. They cant fund manufacturing with just out deposits, and what if the government declines the 185 million.


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
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The Villages, Fl.
Why would Elio give up control to one of these investors before the Gov't loan process has run it's course. We are all anxious to have our cars, but really if you were in Paul' shoes surely you would wait out the loan process before you gave away everything you have worked for all this time. It was his vision. It was his effort. I has been his hard work. He can always get the money if he gives up control. But if I were he, I wouldn't do it until the loan process has been exhausted. Let's give the man a break. He is doing the best he can to make this happen, and as quickly as possible. The amount of work and planning and negotiating that is required to create a car company from scratch is staggering. Does anyone here think they could do better. You and I put down a $1,000, he has invested years of his life.
The man is only human, you people seem to act like he works for us. He doesn't have a big staff to sit around and answer our questions. The car will be built as soon as they can get it together. Every part of the production line has to be drawn up on flow charts. Each step of the building process has to be reduced to a job description, so it can be taught to the future assemble line staff. I have at another time mentioned that the Human Resources, requirements to hire soooo many people. If creating a car company from step one were easy, we all could have done it.

I will now put away my soap box and await my car.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Locking in Investors doesn't mean giving up control. I would say most venture capital is from silent investors having the trust in the product, the company, and the management behind it.........or they wouldn't have interest in providing capital in the first place. What the heck do venutre capitalists know about vehicle design, engineering, and whats needed to set up manufacturing, marketing, sales, and servicing plans.

Reservationists are all silent investors on a very small scale...........although not that silent as we do ike to express our thoughts and opinions
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