The Elio is currently considered a motorcycle so it is exempt from smog testing. No PCV valves or catalytic converters necessary. For now.
But you can bet our "friends" in Sacramento will want to put a stop to that. I've heard rumors that they will re-classify autocycles so they must conform with C.A.R.B. emission standards.
My question is, if/when this happens, will existing Elios operating be forced to be retrofit with smog devices, or will they be "grandfathered" and still maintain emissions exempt status?
I live in California. I live in the outskirts of Los Angeles county, in the desert. I am $1000 all in for two Elios.
The federal government classifies the vehicles (federally) and places that designation in the VIN number. While some states may have an autocycle classification, as I understand the federal government does not (yet). The Elios will start coming off the line with a motorcycle classification in its VIN number, and not have to be smog tested in California.
I believe as the number of Elios become numerous on the road, California will push for the federal designation of autocycle in the VIN number. This will be convenient for California to smog test the Elio. The very thing they want to regulate is officially designated in the VIN number. All they will have to do is pass a simple law saying all autocycles must meet and pass automobile smog tests. I believe the push by California and other states for this will be quick. It makes smog testing as well as helmet and motorcycle license exemption very easy for states to legislate.
I wanted to get my Elios early and avoid this reclassification and avoid smog testing.
There is not guarantee this is what will happen, but I suspect it will.