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Elio Stores Delayed Till 2017


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Have any of you ever started a business? There is a correct way to create a business plan and execute that plan, according to a schedule planned way in advance.
There is currently no sense of that being the case with EM. I know Goofyone is being the "positive" force on this forum, but honestly, IMHO, I feel like EM has gone many years without reasonable advancement toward their goal.
You don't need a million square feet to start with, you just need to get going. $250,000,000 is just not that much money anymore. If that government loan fails to be approved, what's Plan B?
I predict that if EM doesn't come through with this project soon, one of the existing car companies will see all the work EM has done to create the market and come up with a similar product, without even a Thank You card.
BTW, how many cars EM will manufacture per year will depend more on actual sales rather than capacity. No company would make 250,000 cars this year if they only sold 50,000 last year......
EM is already working Plan B and maybe C. The ATVM Loan is only one of an apparent number of funding options in their financial plan. I have a plan B too.
As for other car companies, they don't want to be in the motocycle business. VW had 3 three wheeler concepts, and determined there was to much liability as an auto maker.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Have any of you ever started a business? There is a correct way to create a business plan and execute that plan, according to a schedule planned way in advance.
There is currently no sense of that being the case with EM. I know Goofyone is being the "positive" force on this forum, but honestly, IMHO, I feel like EM has gone many years without reasonable advancement toward their goal.
You don't need a million square feet to start with, you just need to get going. $250,000,000 is just not that much money anymore. If that government loan fails to be approved, what's Plan B?
I predict that if EM doesn't come through with this project soon, one of the existing car companies will see all the work EM has done to create the market and come up with a similar product, without even a Thank You card.
BTW, how many cars EM will manufacture per year will depend more on actual sales rather than capacity. No company would make 250,000 cars this year if they only sold 50,000 last year......

Ah yes, the old straw-man tactic. Attack by asking a seemingly innocent question.
Maybe we should ask Johnapool, "have you ever started a business?"
What is your expertise in business start-ups?
Have you ever started a successful business, or are you talking about a theory you learned in school.
Keeping in mind that "Those who can, do, and those that can't, teach!"


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Ah yes, the old straw-man tactic. Attack by asking a seemingly innocent question.
Maybe we should ask Johnapool, "have you ever started a business?"
What is your expertise in business start-ups?
Have you ever started a successful business, or are you talking about a theory you learned in school.
Keeping in mind that "Those who can, do, and those that can't, teach!"
I retired after 25 years of program development and teaching at a Technical School. I always thought that I was soliticited from industry by industry to develop a new program's curriculum and teach others my profession because I was successful in that industry and knew the job requirements. Shit! Years later I discover your "those who can and can't" reality statement. However, I may poll the several hundred grads that are currently working successfully in their chosen profession to verify that statement.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Easthampton, MA
I retired after 25 years of program development and teaching at a Technical School. I always thought that I was soliticited from industry by industry to develop a new program's curriculum and teach others my profession because I was successful in that industry and knew the job requirements. Shit! Years later I discover your "those who can and can't" reality statement. However, I may poll the several hundred grads that are currently working successfully in their chosen profession to verify that statement.
I'm not a teacher, but I do find that common phrase insulting to teachers. I noticed when growing up the people that complained most about the teachers put the least effort into the subject at hand. Everywhere I have been in life the bell curve seems to apply, most are average, a few terrible and few extraordinary people at whatever subject it is, teaching, engineering, sports, etc...


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
I retired after 25 years of program development and teaching at a Technical School. I always thought that I was soliticited from industry by industry to develop a new program's curriculum and teach others my profession because I was successful in that industry and knew the job requirements. Shit! Years later I discover your "those who can and can't" reality statement. However, I may poll the several hundred grads that are currently working successfully in their chosen profession to verify that statement.

Define "program development" as you use the term.
Did you ever produce anything tangible? Or that created wealth (money for anyone)?
At one time "system analysts" and "system engineers" attended classes I gave on an expert system that I wrote to determine what information it was using and where it was getting the data from. The expert system saved the company I worked for over $1,000,000/yr plus the research savings since I wrote the basics of it on my own time.
Retire from that company after 35 years, Did consulting work for a couple years after that, and was IT Director for a restaurant franchise for several years after that.
And all my programming experience started from using an old TRS80 to write a program to develop passive filters for a band I worked with.

John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
This is where we differ. Most of what ELIO puts out is meaningless thoughts on what they think may happen based on their dream. They say they will do something then just write it off and move on as if it never happened. I hope the silence we are seeing from then now means they are locked in a room fixing that.
Where we agree is we want to see ELIO on the road. We support the idea .
Even though we do not agree on many key points, I understand and appreciate your argument because it's quite clear to me you're conveying your understanding (in my profession, you are not out of your mind) of something versus some of the inane posts on this site over the past several days, for some reason, where the writers are attempting to tell others what they should be understanding.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Define "program development" as you use the term.
Did you ever produce anything tangible? Or that created wealth (money for anyone)?
At one time "system analysts" and "system engineers" attended classes I gave on an expert system that I wrote to determine what information it was using and where it was getting the data from. The expert system saved the company I worked for over $1,000,000/yr plus the research savings since I wrote the basics of it on my own time.
Retire from that company after 35 years, Did consulting work for a couple years after that, and was IT Director for a restaurant franchise for several years after that.
And all my programming experience started from using an old TRS80 to write a program to develop passive filters for a band I worked with.
Did you come thru the public school system without a single teacher that may have helped you achieve your level of success? You are truly an amazing individual if you did it all on your own although you may give some credit to the development of the TRS-80.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Snipped: You are truly an amazing individual if you did it all on your own although you may give some credit to the development of the TRS-80.[/QUOTE]

No man is an island, etc.; a peninsula maybe.......... :)
Last edited:


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
Define "program development" as you use the term.
Did you ever produce anything tangible? Or that created wealth (money for anyone)?
At one time "system analysts" and "system engineers" attended classes I gave on an expert system that I wrote to determine what information it was using and where it was getting the data from. The expert system saved the company I worked for over $1,000,000/yr plus the research savings since I wrote the basics of it on my own time.
Retire from that company after 35 years, Did consulting work for a couple years after that, and was IT Director for a restaurant franchise for several years after that.
And all my programming experience started from using an old TRS80 to write a program to develop passive filters for a band I worked with.
cayo en un agujero?


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Did you come thru the public school system without a single teacher that may have helped you achieve your level of success? You are truly an amazing individual if you did it all on your own although you may give some credit to the development of the TRS-80.

I think that over the years I would give more credit to my father who was an AT&T supervisor and my mother who was a librarian.
Yes, there were some good teachers, but there were some really bad ones.
The fourth grade teacher who criticized me publicly by saying "If you can't spell it you shouldn't use it".
My high school drafting teacher who kept hitting on all the girls till I publicly threatened to throw him out of the second floor window during class.
My chemistry teacher who answered every question by saying "It's in the book".
My freshman English teacher who used to sit on the edge of her desk swing her legs until a shoe fell off so one of the guys in the class could put it back on.
The Superintendent of Schools who came into my third grade class and said "What's the matter with that kid? Can't he read?" (I had just transferred from a school where they tarted teaching cursive in 3rd grade to one where the started in 2nd grade.)
So maybe you could say I learned in spite of many of my teachers.
Now man up.
Define "program development" as you use the term.
Tell is what you personally accomplished that generated value.
Incidentally, the job I retired from after 35 years with the company was as a software development manager at Bell Labs with responsibility for the platform design and custom software implementation.
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