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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Thanks for the Gantt chart, John. visualization help a lot! I'd amend it by saying we know that final engineering drawings have been underway for several weeks and that parts ordering is well under way for non-engineered parts. Supply chain lag time -- when somebody runs late with a critical part -- jeopardizes the whole process, so it's to EM's interest to get all parts ordered ASAP, especially the engineered parts. Also, I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of stagger and overlap in activities -- many of which are in fact going along right now. For instance, the manufacturing team (one guy plus contractors) is hard at it right now, so that the e-cars can be built using manufacturing jigs where feasible.The best guess is they have not started building yet.
I think it's reasonable to think that month 0 on Elio Motors timetable is February 1 - when they close the offering, though they have not verified that. For the first couple of months they will be releasing the engineering drawing to partners e.g. body panels, wiring harness, etc. The vehicles will be built pretty much at the same time over a three to four week period. According to EM, the engineering vehicles will be built on a pilot manufacturing line to simulate the production build so that issues with the process or parts can be addressed by various engineering and components teams. Yes everything is dependent on the stock offering, though we do know that it was successful and they will be building the 25 engineering vehicles with that money. Below is the timeline Elio Motors used to illustrate how they expect the process to flow. I still think we will know before August whether the ATVM will happen or not and whether Elio Motors will go into production or, potentially, go bust. I think this is very exciting, and slightly patriotic to watch as the story unfolds in an age when most manufacturing is done overseas and knowing this company's dedication to US manufacturing.
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As much as I want an Elio, I would want a production version.Could be a bad idea to turn me loose in one. I might not ever return.
Yes, thanks for the pics and I too hope it comes somewhere near me too!Thanks for the new pictures. Very nice. I so hope it comes somewhere near me this summer....
They really haven't said, but it is most likely; they really haven't set out an extended tour schedule yet.So,,, Does the P5 head back to technosport for more fine tuning?
What happened to the Viper wheel? I really liked it.Will there be turn signal and windshield wiper stalks? I can't see any in this pic.
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I once heard someone say, "If you torture the statistics long enough, they'll confess to anything."![]()