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Elio/iav Engine Dyno Testing


Elio Addict
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
I was told yes by Jerome last week in Jacksonville.

something SO IMPORTANT ??


instead how many shopping days to Christmas ?

WTF ….

I KNOW my Bitch is having another litter in 10 days, I can see it, I can feel them, she is HUGE !

I just don't "FEEL" the ElioMOBILE !

I DESPERATELY WANT TO ! THIS will be my LAST vehicle I own !

A fully enclosed a/c three wheeler here in the Caribbean ! YIPPEE !!!

I can see thousands of these here zooming around the Islands !! It will be PERFECT !!

all they need to do is include BRIGHT YELLOW !


this was an 8' x 8' laminated poster I had on a vertical billboard I used to haul around on a small trailer trying toy advertise the Sparrow !!

15 years ago I thought someone had found a solution …

so so close !!


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
The Villages, Fl.
something SO IMPORTANT ??


instead how many shopping days to Christmas ?

WTF ….

I KNOW my Bitch is having another litter in 10 days, I can see it, I can feel them, she is HUGE !

I just don't "FEEL" the ElioMOBILE !

I DESPERATELY WANT TO ! THIS will be my LAST vehicle I own !

A fully enclosed a/c three wheeler here in the Caribbean ! YIPPEE !!!

I can see thousands of these here zooming around the Islands !! It will be PERFECT !!

all they need to do is include BRIGHT YELLOW !

View attachment 3708

this was an 8' x 8' laminated poster I had on a vertical billboard I used to haul around on a small trailer trying toy advertise the Sparrow !!

15 years ago I thought someone had found a solution …

so so close !!

Just telling you what he told me.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
something SO IMPORTANT ??


instead how many shopping days to Christmas ?

WTF ….

I KNOW my Bitch is having another litter in 10 days, I can see it, I can feel them, she is HUGE !

I just don't "FEEL" the ElioMOBILE !

I DESPERATELY WANT TO ! THIS will be my LAST vehicle I own !

A fully enclosed a/c three wheeler here in the Caribbean ! YIPPEE !!!

I can see thousands of these here zooming around the Islands !! It will be PERFECT !!

all they need to do is include BRIGHT YELLOW !

View attachment 3708

this was an 8' x 8' laminated poster I had on a vertical billboard I used to haul around on a small trailer trying toy advertise the Sparrow !!

15 years ago I thought someone had found a solution …

so so close !!
I'm curious, did Sparrow keep you updated as they made step by step progress to production and sales? To my knowledge, no other company in this country at least, has provided the kind of information Elio has and does. But of course that is never enough. I now see why companies do all their R&D in secret and simply unveil the new product when it is done. The headaches then are only concerning the vehicle and have nothing to do with the fickle customer. My suggestion is, if you can't take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. I am enjoying following the progression of the Elio and treat it as a gift that no other manufacturer has or will provide in my life time. Therefore, I celebrate the Paul Elio, Elio Motors and the Elio. You seem to enjoy the agony of potential defeat. That is your privilege but I don't have to read about. Enjoy this journey your way and I will enjoy it in mine. I will be the one driving my Elio away from Shreveport next year. :-) Z


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
during a conversation earlier today with Jerome Vassallo, VP of Sales at the Elio exhibit on 12-6-14 in Charlotte, NC I learned a great deal about the extensive nature of the testing that the IAV Elio engine is undergoing .... from beginning mid November, the process will take several months .... as a loose outline of the process, after it was first assembled, spun tested, disassembled, measured, and reassembled, they pressure it with air and check for leaks .... after each of these steps it will be disassembled sufficiently to X-ray the components and meticulously take measurements .... next they move to installing fluids, testing, disassemble to X-ray and take measurements .... next the motor will be fired and the whole process is repeated .... as a side note, at times the motor will be connected to two computers .... one will show the computer projections and one will show the actual performance .... the motor will be subjected to a range of test on the dyno that are needed to determine how it will perform in simulations of city driving, long interstate cruises, wide open throttle .... after completing all of that testing they will eventually begin removing oil to the point the engine will fail .... this motor will never see service in an Elio .... reports will come when they come but for folks wanting frequent updates, it ain't gonna happen .... Paul Elio is actively working/monitoring the entire process

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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
during a conversation earlier today with Jerome Vassallo, VP of Sales at the Elio exhibit on 12-6-14 in Charlotte, NC I learned a great deal about the extensive nature of the testing that the IAV Elio engine is undergoing .... from beginning mid November, the process will take several months .... as a loose outline of the process, after it was firs assembled, spun tested, disassembled, measured, and reassembled, they pressure it with air and check for leaks .... after each of these step it will be disassembled sufficiently to X-ray the components and meticulously take measurements .... next they move to installing fluids, testing, disassemble to X-ray and take measurements .... next the motor will be fired and the whole process is repeated .... as a side note, at times the motor will be connected to two computers .... one will show the computer projections and one will show the actual performance .... the motor will be subjected to test needed to determine how it will perform simulations of city driving, long interstate cruises, wide open throttle .... after completing all of that testing they will eventually begin removing oil to the point the engine will fail .... this motor will never see service in an Elio .... reports will come when the come but for folks wanting frequent updates, it ain't gonna happen .... Paul Elio is actively working/monitoring the entire process

Thanks Jim!


Elio Aficionado
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the update Jim! I wondered if they just ran the engine til it died with regular oil changes, ran it until it died without oil changes, or forced the engine failure?!? I thought most engines had a sensor to kill the engine when it becomes dangerously low on oil? Do they remove the sensor for this test or is there not a low oil/engine kill sensor...anybody know? As for engine updates...I don't believe EM has even "officially" announced the start of dyno testing!?! Many of us have been told by personal communication that it HAS been started, but I haven't seen an "official" announcement anywhere!?! I wouldn't mind hearing benchmark updates or something to let us know that the engine is functioning as (or close to) expected...I'm really excited to hear that 84mpg isn't just a pipe dream!!! Anyone know how they factor in aerodynamics into the dyno testing or is it all just simulation until we get a working prototype? Just some thoughts... :D
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