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Elio Crowdfunding

Art Vandalay

Elio Fan
Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
We just have to wait for Elon Musk to get his battery factory up and running and we won't have to worry about the lithium that will be Elons problem. Besides who would you rather have the govt work with, Middle East or South America? Just asking.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reducing dependence on middle east oil. But a trade deficit is still a trade deficit regardless of whether the money leaves the country going east or south. Ultimately, I would prefer to see the government fund projects that benefit the greatest number of people. I have no problem with giving a loan to Tesla to develop electric cars, but let's face it, if you can afford a $70,000 car, you probably want an Elio a lot more than you need one. And as long as the US gets 45% of it's electricity from burning coal, pushing a 4500 lb Tesla around town with one person in it is not a green solution by any stretch. The Elio is flat out the best option for reducing the trade deficit, creating domestic jobs, improving the environment, increasing availability of transportation to the masses and reducing dependence on foreign sources for our energy infrastructure that has ever been proposed to the ATVM. I wish Elon Musk all the best, but the Tesla is not an answer for 99% of us today. The Elio is.
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Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Where China already has leveraged contracts. So maybe they should encourage alternatives to Lithium.

Dual Carbon?(Link)

Racing? (Link)

Density is about the same, 20x faster recharge, lower cost. Availability? TBD

The "Dual Carbon" link talks about up to 300 miles on a charge. When did 300 miles become some kind of gold standard. When I visit friends on the east coast I do about 900 miles / day. I don't think batteries are getting me there.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
The "Dual Carbon" link talks about up to 300 miles on a charge. When did 300 miles become some kind of gold standard. When I visit friends on the east coast I do about 900 miles / day. I don't think batteries are getting me there.
Electric vehicles are also an "AND" vehicle. You can't get there from here with one so you must have a gas burner for long distance travel.
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Elio Addict
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Morgantown, wv
Electric vehicles are also an "AND" vehicle. You can't get there from here with one so you must have a gas burner for long distance travel.
Nissan was considering or do/did give its Leaf users a free rental for a week. That way they could go on a big vacation without stopping to recharge all the time. Always felt that was a good idea.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
That's the first rule of investing, buying stock in a company you believe in, their products or services. If you don't believe in the company, product or service why would you purchase their stock.;)
I agree with your first rule of investing which is why I can't invest in EM until there is an actual product. I have to see it, drive it, believe it's going to provide reliable service, and commit to buying it before I invest in it. I may not like the drive, the comfort, or the build quality and cancel my reservation, it's highly unlikely, but possible. I find it interesting the number of people willing to invest without actually seeing and driving the final product.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Has anyone noticed that if you type in www.eliomotors.com in your URL window, it no longer takes you to Elio Motors? Try it.

Scroll down to where you see "Reserve my Elio". Click on it and it will take you to the original home page. Elio set up the redirect to get people to the "StartEngine" crowd funding site.

I'm pretty sure that the Crowd Funding is so important to EM that they are trying to take every possible opportunity to bring it to folks attention .... as noted above, clicking on the "Reserve my Elio" link will take you to the old EM website
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