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Electra Meccanica (three Wheel Electric) Email-11/2/15


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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"Uh, yeah... I'd like eight Solos to go please..."

View attachment 12048

Jerry Kroll said on his Facebook page...
"I noticed the snow tracks of some strange new beast this morning!!
Can you guess what it is?"


Door is still on the wrong side. :rolleyes: :D

I was pleasantly surprised by the good traction on the rear tire. A studded snow tire would make it better yet. The only real issue seemed to be to watch out for a heavy foot on the pedal.


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Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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From the Desk of Jerry Kroll

I recently went down to Sonoma, California to update my racing license in a Formula 3 car at Sonoma raceway. Aside from having a blast in the SimRaceway school cars, I had a chance to drive a gasoline powered Mercedes-Benz rental from Hertz. I don’t usually drive gasoline cars, so this gave me a chance to experience what today’s gas cars are like and compare it to our own SOLO electric car.

The weirdness of having a gasoline motor being turned on and idling is the first reminder that we’re back in the 1900’s. There was a small “battery” logo on the dashboard that would charge up instantly and fully under any braking, and then drain instantly on acceleration. The other annoying thing was the internal combustion engine stopping and starting at every traffic light. How do people find THAT pleasant? I enjoy my analogy of gasoline cars being like fax machines, and electric cars being the internet. I’m more convinced of that now than ever.

And speaking of racing, you can expect some interesting activity early in the new year as the Electra Meccanica (EMV) “Advanced Performance Team” takes to the track with our first few Racing SOLOs. To me, this is the best way to both develop our road car technology, AND to showcase the SOLO performance envelope. I was twenty seconds a lap off the times of race prepared cars in the street stock SOLO, so with some tweaking, racing slicks and some other top secret tweaks, I would suggest you don’t put your Ferrari out there with us until after you’ve seen a few passes! The Racing SOLO team will be introduced at a trade event early in the new year.

The busiest department currently at Electra Meccanica is our production team, who have settled into our newly expanded production facility in New Westminster, British Columbia. I’ve driven the first pre-production SOLOs, one of which has gone to complete US Federal compliance and certification testing. I expect us to complete pre-production by the end of the year and get right into production for those of you who are eagerly awaiting your cars. They perform wonderfully, and are super eye-catching in traffic. Our marketing team is looking forward to taking photos of all of you as you get your keys and drive off in your new SOLO and so am I.

2017 will likely be the most profound year in the history of Electra Meccanica. So much work has been done, so much is ready to roll out in the way of cars, dealerships and general corporate development. Lots of work ahead, and I’m excited by what we’ll do and where we’ll be in December 2017.

We have booked EMV to be at the Vancouver Auto Show from March 27th to April 2nd, and we’ll announce other exhibits around the world as they are confirmed. On behalf of everyone at Electra Meccanica, I sincerely thank you for your interest and support, and I look forward to meeting you in person in the new year--and watching your first drives in your very own SOLO!!

Happy Holidays and the best for 2017,

Jerry Kroll, CEO
ElectraMeccanica Vehicles Corp.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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A Solo Store with a growing inventory of Solos and Solo Fashion Wear. The latest Silver Solo #003 looks very refined......sweet! Signature Series Solo builds #004-#1000 are works in progress..........along with a few Solo Racers.

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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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But......................won't be imported to USA yet. (They are still working on that)
The Corbin Sparrow platform was USA Compliance Certified back in 2002-03. The new improved extreme makeover Solo version will be a USA certification cake walk. Canada's Compliance testing requires crash testing, so it might be a little more difficult in the country of origin.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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Quite some time ago, Electra Meccanica said that they will be working with dealers worldwide.
They said that they will also ship to customers' locations where there are no dealers within a reasonable driving distance.
If you interpret the above blog from Jerry Kroll as I did, It seems that you may also have the option of picking up a Solo in Vancouver.
To answer your second question, I can only say this... I'm Solo #174 and was originally told to expect my Solo in the 3rd quarter of 2017.
Two months ago, I was told that estimate was moved up a couple of months and I could expect my Solo to be ready in May of '17.

My own personal opinion is that the May estimate may be pushed back just a little.
However, Electra Meccanica has said that they are still close to their estimates.
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Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
Quite some time ago, Electra Meccanica said that they will be working with dealers worldwide.
They said that they will also ship to customers' locations where there are no dealers within a reasonable driving distance.
If you interpret the above blog from Jerry Kroll as I did, It seems that you may also have the option of picking up a Solo in Vancouver.
To answer your second question, I can only say this... I'm Solo #174 and was originally told to expect my Solo in the 3rd quarter of 2017.
Two months ago, I told that estimate was moved up a couple of months and I could expect my Solo to be ready in May of '17.

My own personal opinion is that the May estimate may be pushed back just a little.
However, Electra Meccanica has said that they are still close to their estimates.
Have you talked to your local DOL and asked what it will take to license it?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Once the Solo is USA compliance certified it should register and license like any other motorcycle. The original Sparrows were MC vin numbered and had no licensing issues that I'm aware of. My State of Idaho passed autocycle legislation a year ago so the State's motorcycle license endorsement and helmet requirements will be waived.
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