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Coronavirus Info

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Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2016
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San Marcos, TX
For gas guzzlers, if Dodge would make the Challenger in a convertible, I would trade my Miata for one in a heartbeat. Yeah, totally different car and a pig compared to the Miata, but I really do like the neo-retro look of the Challenger. A Plum Crazy purple convertible with the 392 Scat Pack and wide body... oh yeah...

There is a company in Florida that will chop them into convertibles but for something like $100k, no thanks!

And while we are dreaming, an EV converted DeLorean! :D

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
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In metro Phoenix, gas is still above $2.55, but about 50 cents lower once you leave the big city. We're still getting ripped off.

I've been wrong before, but it sure seems that the cure is worse than the disease in this case. It's one thing to quarantine the 10-20% of the population that is in the high-risk group, but shutting down the country is nuts. Cut off immigration, practice reasonable sanitary precautions, and we will get through this okay. We need people to get back to work, as many/most people simply can't afford to be idle for extended periods of time.


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
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DC area
The 'back pedaling' on the numbers of Chinese virus deaths and infected is now starting in earnest!! The key ‘take away’ for me is that the while the death numbers are likely accurate and fairly ‘real time,’ the numbers of TESTED and infected lag by 3 to 7 days. Add to that the hundreds of thousands that have mild (or no) symptoms, including those stubborn, uninsured, but generally healthy that ‘white knuckle’ it and survive. The percentage of fatalities is going to look like a bad flu bug: they”ll have to include the number of economically driven suicides to get the numbers up!!

Even NY Gov. Cuomo is saying maybe he overreacted with the quarantines!!


One good thing is we will be a net exporter of ventilators!!
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Elio Addict
Jul 21, 2015
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Sioux Falls, South Dakota


Elio Addict
May 18, 2016
Reaction score
In metro Phoenix, gas is still above $2.55, but about 50 cents lower once you leave the big city. We're still getting ripped off.

I've been wrong before, but it sure seems that the cure is worse than the disease in this case. It's one thing to quarantine the 10-20% of the population that is in the high-risk group, but shutting down the country is nuts. Cut off immigration, practice reasonable sanitary precautions, and we will get through this okay. We need people to get back to work, as many/most people simply can't afford to be idle for extended periods of time.

I assure you, the cure is not worse than the disease. This has nothing to do with immigration...and you can't scrub the air.

The problem, Samuel, is that people are underestimating this virus...and is why we've already surpassed every other country in the number of cases...despite having some of the lowest testing.

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
I assure you, the cure is not worse than the disease. This has nothing to do with immigration...and you can't scrub the air.

The problem, Samuel, is that people are underestimating this virus...and is why we've already surpassed every other country in the number of cases...despite having some of the lowest testing.
I hear you, but respectfully disagree. The risk is mostly to people who are already health-compromised. The transmission is serious, but it appears that the vast majority of people who get coronavirus may never know, as they are completely asymptomatic. The societal collapse that could result from mass unemployment (riots, robberies, murders, suicides, etc) would be far worse than the projected death toll among the high-risk groups. IMHO, shutting down the nation may have far worse consequences than the risk of doubling the flu death rate.

The reporting numbers are skewed at best, with every corpse testing positive for coronavirus being reported as a c-virus death, even though the c-virus was only incidental or irrelevant to the actual demise. The truth may be out there, but we aren't really getting much of it. The media is too busy telling us that the sky is falling, so people freak out or ignore them. I still believe that a rational approach is far better that the panic-stricken hoarding and quarantine we are currently seeing.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I’m confused. I respectfully don’t know who to agree with: johnsnownw, the nations top medical advisors, and the Governor’s initiating the stay home - be safe mandates or Samuel Gompers.

It appears to me the rational officials are taking a rational approach as the number of cases and death rate continue to climb according to medical professionals in the know being interviewed live on various news media outlets. I see hospitals overflowing with patients in parts of the country and not enough beds, ventilators, or safety gear for medical staff treating them. Nurses are wearing garbage bags for protection. Field hospitals are currently being set up in some of the hardest hit communities. It sounds and looks like a pandemic to me, so in case it is, I’m acting rationally with hope to help lower the number of future cases by staying home - staying safe and shopping like a responsible human being. I’m panic stricken only by those that freak out, ignore the plan, possibly spread the virus, hoard toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and butter. Please help, since there’s not much else to do, while waiting for our COVID - 19 Government Bailout Checks.


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
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DC area
A timely primer on ‘Apples and Oranges:’


It also appears that among the hardest hit countries there are marked differences in the ages of the populations, the percentage of smokers, culturally accepted personal distance differences, numbers of visiting Chinese nationals,* and just bad air. It could also be that so many numbers are skewed by so many countries and / or institutions with their own agendas and indices (including our own!) that making any realistic comparisons is not only futile but a horrible and needlessly expensive way to drive our own ‘policy.’

* Florence, Italy’s ‘Hug a Chinese’ initiative:


And to ‘sum it up,’ there’s this non MSM input:

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Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
I’m confused. I respectfully don’t know who to agree with: johnsnownw, the nations top medical advisors, and the Governor’s initiating the stay home - be safe mandates or Samuel Gompers.

It appears to me the rational officials are taking a rational approach as the number of cases and death rate continue to climb according to medical professionals in the know being interviewed live on various news media outlets. I see hospitals overflowing with patients in parts of the country and not enough beds, ventilators, or safety gear for medical staff treating them. Nurses are wearing garbage bags for protection. Field hospitals are currently being set up in some of the hardest hit communities. It sounds and looks like a pandemic to me, so in case it is, I’m acting rationally with hope to help lower the number of future cases by staying home - staying safe and shopping like a responsible human being. I’m panic stricken only by those that freak out, ignore the plan, possibly spread the virus, hoard toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and butter. Please help, since there’s not much else to do, while waiting for our COVID - 19 Government Bailout Checks.
LOL When this passes, as it will, you will see that most of the political panic was, as usual, pandering and over-reaction. Closing borders - good idea. Closing businesses - not so good. Quarantine the elderly and infirm - good idea. Quarantine the young, healthy, and productive - not so good. The nation's top medical advisors regularly get things wrong, often at spectacular levels. Look at the historical statements of some of the Dr. Chicken Little's screaming the loudest, and you may see that they're absolutely not infallible. Having a loud public voice doesn't necessarily mean what you say is worth listening to.

Many of those who are still hanging around the forum are well into the high-risk group. I'm one of the youngsters, but am just outside the edge of that group myself. So it is reasonable for the old, unhealthy, retired people among us to self-quarantine. People who are in close contact with the sick and high risk should self-quarantine as well. For the rest of us, with a few reasonable precautions, we can continue to operate at high levels where not prohibited.
One of the "big risks" of c-virus is that most of the carriers (who will never know they had it until they get a regular checkup after this blows over) can still transmit the virus to those who are at risk.
We have become so used to peace, health, and prosperity, that we tend to panic much more easily than our forefathers. High mortality rates are a part of history, and humanity has survived. By working through it, not hiding or screaming in terror.
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