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Doug McDow

Elio Addict
Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
Arcimoto just sent me an invite to their manufacturing plant grand opening on the 11th of Nov. They are also receiving their first big equipment purchase, the sheet metal cutting laser. I am about to put them "officially*" ahead of Elio in the race to production.

*my "officially" means nothing...
The SRK will also be at the LA Auto show! I plan to be there. Your “ Officially” means something!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Arcimoto just sent me an invite to their manufacturing plant grand opening on the 11th of Nov. They are also receiving their first big equipment purchase, the sheet metal cutting laser. I am about to put them "officially*" ahead of Elio in the race to production.

*my "officially" means nothing...
That's one big laser! The A Team refers to it as the "BFL". :)

Sailor Dog

Elio Addict
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
South West
That's one big laser! The A Team refers to it as the "BFL". :)
BFL (Big faluting loser...just jokingly)...FUV $3.65 a share...nickel above it's all time low. Do you think a $365 100 share buy will be a winner in a year! BTW...ELIO $4.23 share... I know, I know...apples & oranges ;)
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
BFL (Big f-----g loser...just jokingly)...FUV $3.65 a share...nickel above it's all time low. Do you think a $365 100 share buy will be a winner in a year! BTW...ELIO $4.23 share... I know, I know...apples & oranges ;)
I did buy some FUV stock prior to the FUV NASDAQ listing to support the A Team's Reg A+funding round for the production start. It's long term high risk investing only if the investment logic is to short/long term profit. I'm old and long term investing is meaningless, so my grandkids may benefit from any stock value increase. I don't watch the FUV stock nor would I recommend high risk investing. That decision to invest has to be a personal choice based on an individuals knowledge of the company to include the business model, the debt load, available FUNding, the Team (people), finalized vehicle specs, a test driveable production ready vehicle, and evidence of credible/tangible production milestone progress.

The BFL allows Arcimoto to fabricate and bend the SRK's tubular frame and cut and form any sheet panel component parts and assemblies. Some robotics are included to speed up the production process. This allows Arcimoto to manufacture component parts and assemble SRKs right in Eugene, OR. The SRK will be made and assembled in the USA providing 1000's of jobs long term and a BFW for Eugene's local economy. It's enlightening to see their progress. I hope EM reports similar progress soon for the Shreveport residents.


Elio Aficionado
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
North Central, Illinois
Arcimoto just sent me an invite to their manufacturing plant grand opening on the 11th of Nov. They are also receiving their first big equipment purchase, the sheet metal cutting laser. I am about to put them "officially*" ahead of Elio in the race to production.
*my "officially" means nothing...

KenK, You will have to let us know how that goes on the 11th. Take pictures! Or will they shoot you for that:D. I didn't get an invite to the deal on the 11th, but Im thinking Ill use my Elio money(saved to pay for the Elio) to make a trip to the LA Auto show to see this car. Honestly, If there could be an Elio killer, the SRK would be it although Elio pretty much killed itself. No longer truly innovative, the Elio has been passed by the ever growing numbers of 3 and four wheel EV's trying to come to market. The SRK is in the same price range and meets at least half if not more of the bullet points the Elio intended to meet.


Elio Aficionado
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
North Central, Illinois
Dont be silly. The SRK is at about 12K. The Elio base is $7450. My Elio with automatic trans ( probably the most common option Elio will sell) and some interior enhancements is at $8645. A 3K difference is to me.... the same price range. However, I believe you are getting a better driving experience for that money with the Elio. The SRK is still a little rough around the edges. That will no doubt change and move forward while the Elio sits an waits. I really think the SRK will be in production before Elio finally does something, anything.
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