One R&D concept developer says they need $50M and the other says he can accomplish the same results with $5M. Both set to go “put in print on the internet, thus true, and that‘s how it works”. However, after 13+ years of following enclosed three wheeler concepts, most concepts along with their high risk investor funding turns to vapor. The exception to that is the few new vehicle startups like Vanderhall and Arcimoto that successfully crossed the production finish line and are currently building and delivering production model three wheelers. Arcimoto and Vanderhall both continue operations as a result of their recent successful funding rounds.Just $50M and they are set. They ut it in print on the internet, thus true. That's how it works.
As for mileage, well, they made those numbers up and thus need to be true.
Physics and engineering is overrated. As a Mechanical Engineer, I really don't know a thing. As for a salesperson and websites, they know it all. Why I get paid like I do to do engineering is beyond me. Social media and the internet has all of the answers. All for free.
I’m skeptical about Aptera’s stated target specs, unproven performance statements, production model MSRP, and market demand.