I was thinking that it's basically acting as a Proxy Server; pretty cool.Here's an interesting tidbit I found a couple weeks ago.
Get Raspberry Pi (2 or 3, not sure if an original Pi would work but probably so), install Rasbian on it and then go grab the install script on that site. It'll set up a DNS masquerading server with a set of known web advertiser sites. Set all you devices on your home network to use the Pi as your DNS and whenever you're surfing and a webpage has a link to an ad on one of the known sites the Pi will return it's own address in place of the advertiser.
No more ads! It's not 100% but it does cut down on the advertisements pretty dramatically. Since I got mine set up it's been blocking more than 1000 ads each day.
I used to have an AdTrap and it was a bit better since it used a privoxy setup as well as dnsmasq. But that company seems to have gone out of business. Phone numbers and web sites all seem to be disconnected.
I haven't worked with a Pi unit yet (no time) but I know they cost next to nothing.
I think AdTrap was "absorbed" into another company; I read a little quip about them a while back, but don't recall the company that "absorbed" them.