Why would you only want 1 wheel in the front?
That reliant footage is completely staged.
Why do people like that configuration? Because people many live in areas with very narrow roads where a four wheeled vehicle often isn't as practical, think turning radius and width. Three wheelers (with one wheel in front) are used in many parts of Europe and Asia.
If you have enough skill to drive, they don't roll over that easy. Otherwise why would people in Europe use Piaggios, as municipal trucks, regular trucks or in hilly regions? I myself crashed motorcycles too many times to count as a young adult, does that mean people should not ride motorcycles? No, just means that unless you don't mind crashing, stay on regular roads, don't test the limits of your ride and don't be like me.
O.k., an Elio makes much more sense safety wise, but two wheels in the back and one in front is great too. I like both. Check this out:
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