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Coronavirus Info

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Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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No mask. The closest I get to anyone is when my temperature is taken and they are wearing a mask. Only a handful of production workers are here and they are typically ten foot or more apart normally. Nobody at my plant has contacted the coronavirus that we are aware of. All still healthy. Working next week with reduced production. Most are taking the sixty percent pay. Nobody has been laid off or let go. They are doing all they can to keep us employed.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
No mask. The closest I get to anyone is when my temperature is taken and they are wearing a mask. Only a handful of production workers are here and they are typically ten foot or more apart normally. Nobody at my plant has contacted the coronavirus that we are aware of. All still healthy. Working next week with reduced production. Most are taking the sixty percent pay. Nobody has been laid off or let go. They are doing all they can to keep us employed.
What do you do ? And you can have Corono virus and not show any signs of being ill.

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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I do maintenance at a small plant. There are two of us in maintenance. Only about twenty-five total employees. About half were off the last two weeks as a precaution. The county I work in has very few cases of Covid-19 and no new cases have been reported for a while. (Granted, they don't have enough test kits to really tell.) The county I live in has only a few new cases, but I am in quarantine when not at work. I haven't even seen my 97 year old mother in a month (I call her every day though). Nobody at work has been sick and twice a day one of my tasks is to spray disinfectant on commonly touched surfaces.

Our plant make parts for companies that manufacture ventilators, other medical and food equipment parts. There are at least four essential companies we supply parts to.

I know it's a risk, but am willing to take it if ultimately it helps others.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
One of the companies I work with is in a town of Tiffin, OH. They have a number of projects that they are doing at any one time but right now, only about 10 people are at the building finishing machines that are deemed essential. All engineering and sales are at home. They employ about 50 people.

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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One of the companies I work with is in a town of Tiffin, OH. They have a number of projects that they are doing at any one time but right now, only about 10 people are at the building finishing machines that are deemed essential. All engineering and sales are at home. They employ about 50 people.
I checked out Tiffin. The county they are in, Seneca, has only reported nine cases total, with no new cases for days. They will probably be ok if they keep social distancing and washing their hands. One of the things we are doing also is limiting the work week to four days. That gives three days for germs to die on their own. (Of course that is based on "experts" who say the virus can only live for a few days outside a person.)


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I checked out Tiffin. The county they are in, Seneca, has only reported nine cases total, with no new cases for days. They will probably be ok if they keep social distancing and washing their hands. One of the things we are doing also is limiting the work week to four days. That gives three days for germs to die on their own. (Of course that is based on "experts" who say the virus can only live for a few days outside a person.)
Thanks for the work you do. I trust the medical experts, not the self claimed political experts that should have been listening and currently listening to those medical experts. One doesn’t have to believe the politicians or the news media, but should listen to and have confidence in the medical professionals.
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Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
Wait whaaat??? I gotta check it out! Well, that strong a drink you mix it up at the very least ice it, too much sugary drinks gives you hangover.
I do this:
Put 1 can of frozen daiquiri mix in a blender that can blend up 6 cups.
Using that can as a measure, fill it with Captain Morgan Rum except leave about an inch from the top.
That inch is for Everclear.
Pour all that in the blender (easy, this is making two blender's worth of drinks and will make sense in a second)
Add about 4 tablespoons of sugar (or one teaspoon of artificial sweetner)
Blend till it is all mixed.
Pour half of that liquid back into the can (you could use a measuring cup but then you'd have to wash it later...)
Now, fill that blender with ice. Add food color if you want.
Blend it till it's very smooth... Depending on the blender, this can be difficult. We've gone through 5 or 6 blenders throughout the years. Oster makes the best one for smoothies... and that includes our current Ninja with it's irritatingly square jar. A square! Who does that?
After you've emptied that blender, do it again with the remaining can. If you used sugar, it tends to settle before mixed with the ice. Beware.

Okay, once it's smooth, put it in your favorite insulated mug/cup/whatever. We have insulated jar cups with lids that have a hole for a decent sized straw.

Here's the thing: Alcohol needs to be processed by the body... that takes water. Most drinks don't supply enough water so you get that dreaded hangover if you drink enough without hydrating. This drink hydrates you as you go. Now, the 10 ounces of liqueur in there makes about 6 servings in my jar cups.

Why did I mention all this? Well, for one, it doesn't seem like I need to be clearing the garage for my Elio just yet. Also, it's to share some knowledge about Everclear. Here it is:
My friend showed me how to make frozen daiquiris a long time ago. Problem was they were too sweet. Did you know that Everclear erases sweetness in drinks? I didn't. I figured it out though when adding some Everclear to give the Daiquiris more kick... If you want the kick from Everclear but not the bitterness, add sugar... which is why my drinks require that little amount of sugar.

Anyway, this was a long post but I haven't posted much on here lately so this kind of makes up for my dry spell.



Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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What I did about it...
I bought a small spray bottle, and filled it with Isopropyl Alcohol. I spray my fingertips anytime I touch anything. Especially gas pumps, door knobs and touch pads. I had two bottles of 70%, and that seems to last a very long time.
In fact if I spray just before I touch, I've helped others too. I spray to extend the use of my masks and gloves as well.
I'm using about 1oz each week, and I do all the shopping.

But I worried about running low, so I tried to get some more. Now I find IPA, in any form at all, is harder to get than everything else even TP.
But still, I found 1gal 99.9% on Amazon(now out of stock!). So, I then got 1 Gal of denatured (DEA 90%) and I'm mixing them 50/50 with just a touch of Argan oil to save my skin from drying out.
I read that 60% DEA is required to kill reliably(99.99%), so I think I'm good for a few months.

Later, if I can't get DEA or IPA, I will go with 190 proof Everclear, while it lasts. And as backup, I have two large bottles of 80 proof Vodka. In the past, I've only used that to spray my mouth if I feel raspy in the mornings. Lasts about 5 years per bottle to that purpose, so I'm likely not an alcoholic.:cool:

Followup - Found online:
3. If 60 percent alcohol is good, is 100 percent better?
Surprisingly, no. Protein denaturation actually works faster when a small amount of water is mixed with the alcohol. And pure alcohol would evaporate too quickly to effectively kill bacteria or viruses on your skin, especially during winter when the air is less humid.

Using 100 percent alcohol also would dry your skin out very quickly and cause it to become irritated. That might cause you to not sanitize your hands as frequently as needed.

This is why most hand sanitizers contain emollients, which are mixtures that help soften and moisturize your skin.
So I'll probably mix for 65%-75%. -AL
PS, I found sanitizer wipes and masks in stock here but expensive!!!
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