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Elio Crowdfunding


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
I find it interesting that the DOE is funding the ATVM under the auspices of bolstering national security by reducing dependence on foreign oil, yet the only recipients of that funding so far have been manufacturers that utilize lithium-ion batteries. Recently, OPEC has been pumping oil like crazy to prevent the U.S. from developing domestic oil sources, so apparently there is plenty of domestic oil available, yet we know that we will need to rely on foreign sources for the lithium required for the batteries. I'm not sure how that bolsters national security. It seems to me it just shifts the foreign trade deficit to South America rather than the middle east.
GM / Alcoa (I think that's right) got a huge loan for a new aluminum smelting process to reduce the cost of aluminum for car and truck bodies, thus encouraging lighter materials, thus encouraging better fuel efficiency. That's the theory. Batteries not included.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
Has anyone noticed that if you type in www.eliomotors.com in your URL window, it no longer takes you to Elio Motors? Try it.
I've noticed, and I don't like being hijacked to start engine.com. EM needs to fix that! There are millions of people interested int he car who are not interested in investing -- in fact, if EM is correct about their market, MOST of the people can't afford anything but clunkers, so where would they get the money to invest? So hijacking the EM site is a BAD MOVE and extremely annoying.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I've noticed, and I don't like being hijacked to start engine.com. EM needs to fix that! There are millions of people interested int he car who are not interested in investing -- in fact, if EM is correct about their market, MOST of the people can't afford anything but clunkers, so where would they get the money to invest? So hijacking the EM site is a BAD MOVE and extremely annoying.

interesting .... I hadn't considered it to be a major inconvenience to require one additional mouse click to go from the Crowd Funding site to EM's site .... it appears that they are finding bunches of folks who are willing look into helping finance the movement toward production


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
interesting .... I hadn't considered it to be a major inconvenience to require one additional mouse click to go from the Crowd Funding site to EM's site .... it appears that they are finding bunches of folks who are willing look into helping finance the movement toward production
IMO it should work the other way round -- take you to Elio Motors with a enormous button saying "Invest in Elio here" or some such. If you're looking for Elio Motors, you should find EM, not a brokerage house.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
IMO it should work the other way round -- take you to Elio Motors with a enormous button saying "Invest in Elio here" or some such. If you're looking for Elio Motors, you should find EM, not a brokerage house.

You sound angry about something. Are you still upset that you have to cross the state line to buy an Elio? Have you written to your Governor, State Senator, or State Representative to complain about your franchise laws?
Elio is using usual, reasonable, and customary methods to try to raise money. I hope that we all want them to be successful in raising enough money to start production. We certainly can't depend on the DoE to come through with the loan.
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