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Oct. 23rd 2015 Scottsdale Pep Boys Event


Elio Addict
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
Down South
How is the SEC approval going? I was hoping Paul got a response on Friday, He didn't. Informally we've been hearing positive things over the whole program. In fact the feds ramped up a whole team to evaluate and process just our submission since the beginning. They have pored over everything. The results we got from that was used for the submission update. We don't really know if it will be days or weeks, but Monday wouldn't surprise us at all.
Thanks for the update. Hope you get feeling better.

This is the first I've heard about an actual response from the SEC and an updated submission. Is the response or the re-submission available online?


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I have to be careful here, things happened fast, and I.m a bit compromised from my cold. So I'm not sure about a full re-submission or from having feedback prior to the first sumission. So et let that sit until a direct question is asked about re-sumission. If I was a bit more alert I would have asked that myself. Things were conversationaly fast for my 'woosie' head, so you have to forgive me for that.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Is the P5 final tires going to be 135's?> Yes, but the tires we have going on to the P5 aren't the final exact ones, so both the exact tire and the width of the wheel cover will be changed. It will definitely be more narrow than the P4 covers and tires, and possibly more narrow than what the P5 will have initially. The tire manufacturer is committed to making this new tire, but in turn they do require completion of various milestones before they will implement the tooling and facilities for doing it. In the meantime we've a suitable one we can use. It is a 135.

I've been doing some thinking about the above and do find it interesting .... it would come as no surprise that EM is selecting components based on price and impact on mileage .... for aftermarket upgrades, tire, rim and wheel cover sizes are of significant .... when they narrow the wheel cover they reduce the width of tires that will fit ..... not a bad thing for me because I don't anticipate needing wide front tires but from statements by many here, that may be an issue


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I have to be careful here, things happened fast, and I.m a bit compromised from my cold. So I'm not sure about a full re-submission or from having feedback prior to the first sumission. So et let that sit until a direct question is asked about re-sumission. If I was a bit more alert I would have asked that myself. Things were conversationaly fast for my 'woosie' head, so you have to forgive me for that.
thanks for your effort. So sorry to hear the bad news


Elio Aficionado
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
Conversational fragments,
Paul's grandchild died at some point, I didn't quite sort out the details, but it was sad, and a long time coming. Started as a result of an auto accident while the child was in the womb, up until the conclusion 7 years later. That did affect me quite a bit, as my grandson just tested positive on a rare cancer. All very sad stuff. -Segway to this-
But Paul had an auto accident 2 days ago, but he says he is all OK 100%. Still the teams keeps an eye on him since back problems can pop up later. But he seems fine.
Jerome thinks highly of LillyMay, cudo's Lil !!
That wasn't Paul's Grandchild that was Joel Sheltrown's Grandchild and Joel was in an auto accident not Paul


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Yep Joel is on the mend but his wife and the Elio family have to keep him throttled down a might because he wants to go back full bore.

I've never met Joel but did speak/correspond with him several times during the time the Auto Cycle legislation was being considered in NC's legislature ....he seems to be a very nice person who really believes in what he's doing for EM


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Him I'm back, and at least bit better anyway. I felt good enough today to stop at the mall and say hello. They will be there 2 hours more at this point. Unbelievable but three of them remember me from the other times I've shown up. In fact it was more attention than I'm used to getting from anyone. They do seem to view us (Elio Owners and enthusiasts) pretty much like family. In fact Jerome mentioned he misses Zelio. Pretty much he does read these forums when he has the chance. At lease one other ElioOwner member showed up, and we definitely had lively conversation with Jerome. Hopefully he'll chime in here with his questions as well.

I had a 'print fail' on the way over, my printer at home ran out of paper (or toner or?) So I thought I'd get the questions we had posted here printed then ask that to Jerome. But the Office Max would not do my 'print' until 2pm tomorrow, so that was an unexpected fiasco.

In a way I'm glad I didn't have a formal list to cage the conversation, it allowed the exchange to ramble into areas we may never have thought of. But I did muster up a couple of formal questions, even while feeling a bit under the weather, I'll 'convert' his answers to written form below;

Will the P5 be at the LA show?> Yes, that's the intension. We except it to be there. The p3 has been doing other presentation duties for business and government etc. When we get the P5, the P4 will move to those secondary exposures.

Has the A+ program enabled other funding options?> YES, it has, very much so, money attracts money. At some point there will be an IPO, it will also have energized that.

So you don't need the AVTM lone to make this happen?> No, we do still count on that, but all this other investment funding does change how we manage that money, for what and when.

Will EM be trying to get all reservations before actual production?> We aren't doing these shows anymore for the reservations. It's all well and good, but in some ways we angle towards flexibility for who the first cars go to. For example we have tons of business interest we'd like to support, but their requirements vary considerably. For some the delivery has to be under a time limit and if all reservations were taken we couldn't support that. There are any number of commitments business requires that being just one of them. Government interest is also strong but requirements there are even more rigid. Government probably can't be addressed until actual production starts. Some requirements are that one year must already have been produced. In any case, the reservations have to be respected, so if business or government suddenly produces orders they will have to be fulfilled in the regular line-up of reservations.
The actual propose for the showings at this point are public education. I agree with the idea that we no longer have to prove there is plenty of customer interest. Public awareness and interest is what the P4 helps us with at this point.

Are you adding Yellow to the color catalog?> We are limited to 7 colors. Depending on the interest we may well change out any of them to whatever our customers want. But only 7. Blue for example, it's been considered to go with a lighter blue, more like the p5 illustrations.

Is the P5 final tires going to be 135's?> Yes, but the tires we have going on to the P5 aren't the final exact ones, so both the exact tire and the width of the wheel cover will be changed. It will definitely be more narrow than the P4 covers and tires, and possibly more narrow than what the P5 will have initially. The tire manufacturer is committed to making this new tire, but in turn they do require completion of various milestones before they will implement the tooling and facilities for doing it. In the meantime we've a suitable one we can use. It is a 135.

How is the SEC approval going? I was hoping Paul got a response on Friday, He didn't. Informally we've been hearing positive things over the whole program. In fact the feds ramped up a whole team to evaluate and process just our submission since the beginning. They have pored over everything. The results we got from that was used for the submission update. We don't really know if it will be days or weeks, but Monday wouldn't surprise us at all.
Conversational fragments,
Paul's grandchild died at some point, I didn't quite sort out the details, but it was sad, and a long time coming. Started as a result of an auto accident while the child was in the womb, up until the conclusion 7 years later. That did affect me quite a bit, as my grandson just tested positive on a rare cancer. All very sad stuff. -Segway to this-
But Paul had an auto accident 2 days ago, but he says he is all OK 100%. Still the teams keeps an eye on him since back problems can pop up later. But he seems fine.
Jerome thinks highly of LillyMay, cudo's Lil !!

My body pretty well ran out of juice, so I had to take my leave, 4 hours was about all I had to give for today.
Jerome said at one point:

"Has the A+ program enabled other funding options?> YES, it has, very much so, money attracts money. At some point there will be an IPO, it will also have energized that."

Jerome said there will be an IPO. It has been said on this forum, an IPO by EM is impossible.

Any ideas? Speculations? Comments?


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Him I'm back, and at least bit better anyway. I felt good enough today to stop at the mall and say hello. They will be there 2 hours more at this point. Unbelievable but three of them remember me from the other times I've shown up. In fact it was more attention than I'm used to getting from anyone. They do seem to view us (Elio Owners and enthusiasts) pretty much like family. In fact Jerome mentioned he misses Zelio. Pretty much he does read these forums when he has the chance. At lease one other ElioOwner member showed up, and we definitely had lively conversation with Jerome. Hopefully he'll chime in here with his questions as well.

I had a 'print fail' on the way over, my printer at home ran out of paper (or toner or?) So I thought I'd get the questions we had posted here printed then ask that to Jerome. But the Office Max would not do my 'print' until 2pm tomorrow, so that was an unexpected fiasco.

In a way I'm glad I didn't have a formal list to cage the conversation, it allowed the exchange to ramble into areas we may never have thought of. But I did muster up a couple of formal questions, even while feeling a bit under the weather, I'll 'convert' his answers to written form below;

Will the P5 be at the LA show?> Yes, that's the intension. We except it to be there. The p3 has been doing other presentation duties for business and government etc. When we get the P5, the P4 will move to those secondary exposures.

Has the A+ program enabled other funding options?> YES, it has, very much so, money attracts money. At some point there will be an IPO, it will also have energized that.

So you don't need the AVTM lone to make this happen?> No, we do still count on that, but all this other investment funding does change how we manage that money, for what and when.

Will EM be trying to get all reservations before actual production?> We aren't doing these shows anymore for the reservations. It's all well and good, but in some ways we angle towards flexibility for who the first cars go to. For example we have tons of business interest we'd like to support, but their requirements vary considerably. For some the delivery has to be under a time limit and if all reservations were taken we couldn't support that. There are any number of commitments business requires that being just one of them. Government interest is also strong but requirements there are even more rigid. Government probably can't be addressed until actual production starts. Some requirements are that one year must already have been produced. In any case, the reservations have to be respected, so if business or government suddenly produces orders they will have to be fulfilled in the regular line-up of reservations.
The actual propose for the showings at this point are public education. I agree with the idea that we no longer have to prove there is plenty of customer interest. Public awareness and interest is what the P4 helps us with at this point.

Are you adding Yellow to the color catalog?> We are limited to 7 colors. Depending on the interest we may well change out any of them to whatever our customers want. But only 7. Blue for example, it's been considered to go with a lighter blue, more like the p5 illustrations.

Is the P5 final tires going to be 135's?> Yes, but the tires we have going on to the P5 aren't the final exact ones, so both the exact tire and the width of the wheel cover will be changed. It will definitely be more narrow than the P4 covers and tires, and possibly more narrow than what the P5 will have initially. The tire manufacturer is committed to making this new tire, but in turn they do require completion of various milestones before they will implement the tooling and facilities for doing it. In the meantime we've a suitable one we can use. It is a 135.

How is the SEC approval going? I was hoping Paul got a response on Friday, He didn't. Informally we've been hearing positive things over the whole program. In fact the feds ramped up a whole team to evaluate and process just our submission since the beginning. They have pored over everything. The results we got from that was used for the submission update. We don't really know if it will be days or weeks, but Monday wouldn't surprise us at all.
Conversational fragments,
Paul's grandchild died at some point, I didn't quite sort out the details, but it was sad, and a long time coming. Started as a result of an auto accident while the child was in the womb, up until the conclusion 7 years later. That did affect me quite a bit, as my grandson just tested positive on a rare cancer. All very sad stuff. -Segway to this-
But Paul had an auto accident 2 days ago, but he says he is all OK 100%. Still the teams keeps an eye on him since back problems can pop up later. But he seems fine.
Jerome thinks highly of LillyMay, cudo's Lil !!

My body pretty well ran out of juice, so I had to take my leave, 4 hours was about all I had to give for today.
Jerome said:

"We aren't doing these shows anymore for the reservations. It's all well and good, but in some ways we angle towards flexibility for who the first cars go to. For example we have tons of business interest we'd like to support, but their requirements vary considerably. For some the delivery has to be under a time limit and if all reservations were taken we couldn't support that. "

He said they have "tons of business interest" and indicates the reservations are in the way of these large fleet deliveries because businesses have time constraints on deliveries. This is looking more and more like fleet deliveries are what will happen between reservation deliveries (at 6 months) and opening of the stores (at 12 months).

If reservations will be getting in the way, why would they continue taking them? Jerome says they are not doing the tours any longer to get reservations. I hope they will notify us before they cut the reservations off. Some of us want a second Elio.

If reservations are in the way of the large fleet deliveries, I believe at some point Elio Motors will stop taking reservations and will instead start taking "requests". A request would not have any commitment on when their vehicle would be produced. Thus Elio Motors can concentrate on the more "sporatic" fleet deliveries and use the requests a filler. That is, build the "request" vehicles between the large fleet builds and thus no time is wasted. The requests would be used as filler.

I have an email from Elio Motors saying they would notify when reservations are about to end. I hope they live up to their word. They can notify only the reservation holders if they are afraid of a large landslide of reservations coming in.
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