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L.a. Auto Show...gimme Input


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
ok but what are they "getting right"? All parts but engine are already being produced and have been tested. It is connecting all together into a unit. Yeah that has to be right but most has already been in the P4 and/or P5. I know it takes time but another year?

the folks with all the puzzle pieces say that their target is about a year from now .... there is much more to starting production of 10's of thousands to trikes than building the P5 .... collecting a couple of hundred million dollars is a good example .... the past is gone, mistakes made can't be undone .... it it takes them another year or two or three, it will be what it will be .... frustrating absolutely but as already noted, saying "Are we there yet" serves no useful purpose


Elio Addict
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Seabrook Texas
the folks with all the puzzle pieces say that their target is about a year from now .... there is much more to starting production of 10's of thousands to trikes than building the P5 .... collecting a couple of hundred million dollars is a good example .... the past is gone, mistakes made can't be undone .... it it takes them another year or two or three, it will be what it will be .... frustrating absolutely but as already noted, saying "Are we there yet" serves no useful purpose
sure it does first it allows me (or whomever) to vent. It also allows for others to offer input I might not have. Also none of this addresses putting the car on the road in a "here it is" ready to produce. I am not talking about $ to produce hundreds of thousands or hiring; just saying here it is.


Elio Addict
May 29, 2015
Reaction score
ok but what are they "getting right"? All parts but engine are already being produced and have been tested. It is connecting all together into a unit. Yeah that has to be right but most has already been in the P4 and/or P5. I know it takes time but another year?
I suggest you read AUTOWEEK's piece on the ELIO- it's all about the money, dinero, cash, funding, mulla and the lack of it. I say it again, if the funding's been available since it's inception, the ELIO would've been a common name and in our streets or driveways already! There's no new tech, proof of concept? The Morgan trike's been around, we know it works, we know it sells- put a fixed roof and what do you get, an ELIO! The controversial DALE of the 70's is another proof of concept except of course it was a scam to start with. I'm exaggerating of course but the point is, there's always the "WAIT" for the next available funding! I applaud EM for giving us the P5, but now comes another long wait (IMHO) before the 25 or so series E's are built and tested, why? Nobody works for free! If EM have the money in hand to pay for 200 skilled automotive workers to work on the 25 E series, pay overtime if needed to complete the testing- they will have the result in no time at all and their stores open for business selling ELIOS early next year (strictly my opinion only w/ some exaggeration)! I also applaud EM for getting the laws changed and that took a while but now EM can cross the finish line if the funding come soon enough.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
Questions to ask
1) Does the P5 come with production sound proofing? Yes the production model will have factory installed sound proofing. However the P5 did not.

2) Does it have OBD-II capabilities and are the limited by EM? If so how? Got a lot of good information on this. It will have a OBD-II port but not OBD-II capability. The way this was explained to my by Jerome was by plugging into the port you will get all the codes and information needed for diagnostics but it is a one way street. Think of it as a read only. You will be able to extract information but they will not allow any changing of the code in the computer via OBD-II. Hence this is not a true OBD-II port. Read only was a great way of understanding it. No write capabilities.

3) What is the current state of the turbo? Is it in the works? How far along is it? Another very intriguing answer. Nothing has been finalized but Elio is discussing both a turbo and/or supercharger options. Nothing more could be said for either one. Elio is looking at the pros and cons for both options to see which fits with their philosophies better. However in the course of this conversation a diesel engine was hinted at. Whether this is way down the line, or something that could be sooner was not mentioned.

4) Now knowing that they will use PPC coloring can they give the color specs for any of the colors? (Thank you TY for this knowledge) None of the colors have been finalized so unfortunately no PPC codes could be given. PPC codes are confirmed though. Also as a personal note the red was GORGEOUS. It is a very sporty, almost Ferrari like red. It appears to be a favorite of Jeromes too.

5) What are the plans for yellow? Come on there has to be some, you can't upset that many people. None of the colors have been finalized but even Jerome says that it is likely that Yellow will make and appearance, even if it isn't in the first run (which it probably won't be)

6) When will the options list for the Elio be listed? Possible date? (Could answer a lot of customization questions) When asked I was told the list is already in front of us. Look at their list of suppliers. ALL of their products that will fit the Elio will be available. As far as custom items, like the front fenders, I was told they will be available but nothing is finalized to show to public.

7) What are the standard options that are confirmed? A/C, Power Windows, Power Door Lock, Cruise is still up in the air, that hasn't been decided.

8) Will the owners' manual be physical or PDF? When might we get a sneak peek online? PDF. Dates are hard to get these guys to give ;)

9) Numbers heard are 19,000 in 90 days. Is that correct? Is that calendar or working days? This was broken down for me. 300-350 vehicles per day for the first 90 days. That will increase to 3 shifts, so 1000 a day, after the first 90 days. These are in working days. By rough math that is 27,000 vehicles in the first 3 months, with about 20,000 a month there after. (A lot of rounding in those numbers, please don't be strict on them)

10) Are you seeing more new people or established fans of the Elio at the events you are attending? 90-10. About 90% new interest.

11) When will the vehicle for handsome pre-order holder #11492 be ready? (Don't worry these numbers aren't indicative of asking sequence Badboy) Another of those date questions they don't like to answer;) Basically Jerome said "let us get #1 made then I can give you a time for #11492"

12) If there is no belly pan on the P5, will there be an option for it? This will depend on if they can get their target MPG. If it helps them meet their goal, and they need the help, it may be a production item. If it is not needed they were unsure if it would be an option.

13) Will the nose of the vehicle have sensors or body matched impact resistant materials? The front will have sensor provided by Continental.

14) In the SEC filing there are multiple dates given for stated timeline (1 month, 6 month, 9 month). Is this time table to start at the SEC acceptance, or what indicates the start point? Could not answer this one. :( Jerome said this should be answered by Paul.

15) How do you plan on shipping by haulers? Dollies? Yes Dollies. These are very inexpensive 2 piece dollies... and yes they will be available to consumers

16) Will we be able to lock the hood, if so how? It appears and internal release is expensive in the big picture but they will have lockable hood pins.

17) How will the washer fluid be applied to the windshield? Via the wiper blade or a hood spout? Jerome liked this question, but didn't know the answer. He did mention he assumes through the wiper blade as he has no seen any designs that have washer jet modules.

18) Are the front and back tires the same rim width and bolt pattern? Bolt patterns should be the same but widths will be different. The rear tire will be wider than the front. I asked specifically about the rims, not the tires.

19) What does the 55HP/60HP difference mean? Which is the real rating? Probably my favorite answer. These numbers are both correct. It is rated as 55 by Elio and 60 by IAV. Tuning the engine will produce any number in between. During the tuning process the final HP number will be narrowed down to provide the best answer to all of Elios wants (MPG, 0-60, etc.). In conclusion, the engine can do both.

I have more answers to questions that just happened to come up in conversation. These will come in another post as this one has already gotten a little long winded.
Bravo. Excellent info. Can't wait for your next post.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
A few more random questions were answered during the course of my time there too.

Let's start with the rear tire panel. Unfortunately the production design is not on the P5. The rear tire is held be a swing arm and shock connected to the starboard side of the tire assembly. Access to the tire will be granted by a hinged door on the port side. The entire side panel will swing away. There is a split down the port side rear panel at the corner that actually blends in very well.

The drivers cup holder. It will be there. They are just trying to nail down the design. The problem appears to be the cup holder and how it interacts with the shifting lever. It sounds like the popular leaning is to pull the shift lever towards the driver and push the cup holder to the bow of the vehicle. This sounds like the best option because, sitting in the car, if you push the shifter to the bow it reaches an uncomfortable distance to use.

The battery is a very small, motorcycle type, battery. It is tucked high and tight on the port side, aft section of the engine bay. This places it under the lip the hood latches to and the wiper blade sits in. Seemed very inconvenient to me. When I can figure out how to post my pictures I have a couple that should show this. (Multiple issues here. How to get them off the camera, how to get them on my comp, and eventually on this site. I'm not very computer literate, but with the better halfs help I will get it soon. Just gimme some time).

And finally the answer I think will make the most people happy here.... The seatbelt WILL be moved to the starboard side of the cabin. This was told to me by one of the other people on the floor as I sat in the car. Without prodding he gave me this piece of information. I think he notice me looking at the seatbelt strap as I got in. He mentioned it will be move to help facilitate passenger egress.

Did get one more little nugget. The head unit for the stereo was referenced as an MTX. Hmm. Didn't know they made head units but bluetooth and a single USB port were confirmed.

Gonna relax for a little bit. Will work on getting photos posted as soon as I can. May not be today, but it will be soon.

If anyone has anymore questions please ask, I will try to answer what I can.
You're a hero.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
The P5 is a "Pre-Production Prototype"
It appears that people are not aware of the purpose of a "Pre-Production Prototype". So in an effort to further every ones understanding of how things are done I present you with this extract as well as the source URL.
------ extract
...."The Pre-production Prototype step will result in knowledge about the manufacturability of the product, the manufacturing processes, maintainability and reliability, material and component lists, plans for field support, installation and production costs, safety and environmental factors, time schedules, and regulatory requirements."....
URL ----> http://nbdc.unomaha.edu/technology-...fm?title=TechVenture_Pre_Production_Prototype <----


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
sure it does first it allows me (or whomever) to vent. It also allows for others to offer input I might not have. Also none of this addresses putting the car on the road in a "here it is" ready to produce. I am not talking about $ to produce hundreds of thousands or hiring; just saying here it is.

venting within bounds is fine .... unfortunately, history shows that one person's vent is all too often viewed as an attack .... when vents result in creating controversy, they aren't welcome here .... there are several websites where tirades from folks angry with Elio are welcome, this isn't one of them ..... post expressing concerns, seeking info, and clarifications are fine .... basically its largely about presentation .... discussions are welcome, arguments aren't .... no matter how much any of us (me included) want it to be otherwise, the P5 is a step (granted an big one) but it isn't the end of the journey .... the example of the frustrated child in the back seat who has no clue as to everything involved repeating over and over, "Are We There Yet" is pretty accurate .... given they are frustrated and often angry but it doesn't shorten the trip ... it just makes trip for others in the car less enjoyable ....


Elio Addict
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks Karnaj!! (Just what I was afraid of; people are so "blinded" by the rest of the P5 that they're not paying attention to the dash and other details.)
Or maybe people just don't give a flying fart about it. I know I didn't ever not buy a car because I didn't like the dash. Take the good with the bad and vice versa.


Elio Addict
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
Down South
The P4 IS pretty. Money, or the lack thereof, can explain the production date slipping from July of 2014 to the first quarter of 2017, but, for me, it doesn't explain the P5. Seeing the pedal box on the P5 was sort of like Obi-Wan waving his hand and saying, "You want to go home an re-think your life.". How does money explain the lack of sound deadening, the pedals, the parking brake, the wiper/washer, the ABS, traction control, etc? When I got on this bus, it was supposed to be an express to Shreveport. Just $150 million and 15-16 months to production. Two and a half years later, it feels like we've just been driving around the neighborhood, and are now $240-265 million and 15-16 months away from production. I really do need to go home and re-think my life. Fortunately, I still have a few days left while the Reg A+ refund window is open.

I appreciate your comments and kindnesses here on the forum. I think I'm going to sit this out for a while.
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