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Elio Erks Me To No End


Elio Addict
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island
Ah, but you do have something in common- Your interest in the Elio?

Very true . I want this vehicle to succeed as much as those who spun the wheel . When I first saw the Elio , I had fleeting hopes of becoming a dealer here in NY . Hopes dashed as Elio opted for Direct to public sales channel . But ownership was still possible , right?
Whenever anyone is frustrated or critical or points out obvious obstacles , there are those who tell us the Emperor has a lovely set of new clothes .
I honestly don't know what they expect to discuss . When there are delays or set backs , there is going to be positive and negative speculation as to why . .


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Elio is not an "official" vehicle manufacturer either . I agree with those that believe that a representative from Elio should participate in this forum .
Answering a few benign questions with honest answers would go far in building integrity . It may even serve to glean additional deposits .
Some of us have nothing in common with the blind faith crowd .

it would be nice to have someone available, but if I worked for EM there is no way I'd want that job .... no matter what a representative would say, we have a few members who would label it as being a lie .... no matter how much info was given, they would demand more ..... no matter how open the responses were, they would holler that there was a coverup .... recently we've had folks join who in their opening post announce they have been banned from this and/or other EM related sites and go on to say they expect to be banned again .... it would be great if straight forward discussions could take place but I don't know if that is possible with some who come with an agenda to sew discontent


Elio Addict
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Oh, I wouldn't worry too much. You probably wouldn't be able to buy one up there until 2020 (assuming a 2016 start date). No sense in getting yourself all worked up over it. :cool:
I have purchased my share of pie in the sky and enough of it tasted very good. The Elio is without a doubt the best concept in the world right now. The production date is just slightly less fuzzy than the final price. Enjoy your dreams as the reality will be quite different.


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
When I look at the board of directors and the puff announcements, I immediately see the parallel with scam mining companies. Give the retired ex CEO's some peanuts and promises in exchange for the use of their names. Wine and dine them with families in the sun a few times per year.
If the Elio numbers made any sense at all, surely some of the smart, loose money from silicon valley with their green cover paint would be jumping in to make it happen? This vehicle using the ICE is the perfect step to electric a few years down the road. Or ICE for distance and electric for 200 mile range right now!
The only reason I am not all in and pissed off is Paul could not produce a cost effective seat, so the odd's on producing a car are very bad.
Ah. But would you even be able to afford one?


Elio Addict
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
on the shores of Lake Erie
Is Elio….pie in the sky? Sure, some of it is.
Is Elio….A remarkable concept? You betcha.

I joined this process with my eyes wide open. I only invested money I could lose. If you don't hold fast to specific dates and understand this company is evolving before our eyes this company and it's story could be something we pass on to our grandchildren. Yep, I was involved in that project from the beginning. I took a chance.

There are too many bad things going on in our world today. Terrorists, beheadings and child molestation to name a few. The Elio Motor Company, with its minor struggles is a bright spot in human optimism and determination. Keep up the good work.

Is you glass half full or half empty ? It's all a matter of outlook.
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Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
This is worth repeating.

Is Elio….pie in the sky? Sure, some of it is.
Is Elio….A remarkable concept? You betcha.

I joined this process with my eyes wide open. I only invested money I could lose. If you don't hold fast to specific dates and understand this company is evolving before our eyes this company and it's story could be something we pass on to our grandchildren. Yep, I was involved in that project from the beginning. I took a chance.

There are too many bad things going on in our world today. Terrorists, beheadings and child molestation to name a few. The Elio Motor Company, with its minor struggles is a bright spot in human optimism and determination. Keep up the good work.

Is you glass half full or half empty ? It's all a matter of outlook.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
When there are delays or set backs , there is going to be positive and negative speculation as to why . .

absolutely .... a reason has been given for every delay so far .... granted, some explanations have been more detailed than others .... granted, EM has done a much better job of handling the dissemination of information on some delays than it has on others .... some posters here don't believe anything EM says, some posters here believe everything EM says .... some posters are convinced that they know more about everything related to Elio than the people who run the company .... so far as I've seen reported, none of them have demonstrated the ability to bring a project of the magnitude of EM from a dream to fruition, yet they firmly believe that they know everything and that they can do it better .... some of the harshest critics often comment that they really want EM to succeed BUT ____ .... at first I tended to believe them BUT more and more I question it .....
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