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05/27/2014 Engadget.com

Joshua Caldwell

Staff member
Mar 12, 2014
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Fayetteville, NC

Google designs new self-driving vehicles that lose the steering wheel and pedals

Google has been tweaking its self-driving car project for years, but now it's taking another big step. Later this summer it will start testing prototype vehicles it's designed from the ground up, instead of merely retrofitting existing vehicles. Announced tonight the the Code Conference, the new prototypes aren't equipped with a steering wheel, mirrors, pedals or other vestiges of vehicles gone by, and for now are limited to a maximum speed of 25MPH. As explained in an early preview to Re/code, the car is driven entirely by computer, with backup automated systems for brakes and steering that would take over in case of a failure of the primary setup. So far, Google says it's not planning to sell the vehicles itself, but is looking for "friends and partners to bring them to market. Following rumors from late last year, the automated cars could partner with a "friend" like Uber for a delivery service that runs on autopilot. Take a peek at test drives and demo videos explaining how the cars work after the break.

[only on the Engadget page]

The prototypes shown have a rounded, cartoonish appearance, and Google says they're built with foam and flexible windshields that reduce the chance for injury if they do collide with anything. Before they hit the road entirely sans-drive though, Google will need to address regulations requiring a test driver inside. It expects new legislation will allow for the fully-automated vehicles soon, which we guess is bound to be better than the texting, eating or napping drivers we currently share our commutes with.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Newburyport MA
Gizmag. It is cute. I think it will have limited appeal.

A First Drive.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
so if this is a self driven car why does it have rear view mirrors and larger headlights? ack lights would be enough and who needs the mirrors? i would like one then i could just take a nap going to work. does have a kind of appeal don't you think

What appear to be side mirrors on the Google vehicle are actually mounting point for cameras and sensors which help guide the vehicle. I assume they chose this mounting position because it gives good visibility to the sides while also making the vehicle look more familiar to people used to seeing side mirrors on vehicles. The headlights on the vehicle are just painted on and they are done in a way to make it look like the vehicle has a smiley face on the front with a sensor pod for a nose.

The actually technology for self driving vehicles has come pretty far to the point that in good weather conditions these vehicles could theoretically be used today and over the next five to ten years I expect to see this technology refined even further to the point that I do believe we will eventually see these system start to become available in road cars.

Many people do not realize that this research and development is not just for some future time when self driving cars are realistically available. This technology is already making its way into current vehicles. You can already buy a number of vehicles that will park themselves and others that have intelligent cruise control systems allowing them to slow down or speed up automatically in response to traffic flow. These driver aides will continue to become more advance using the knowledge gained from self driving car research. The next generation of stability control systems is expected to have active crash avoidance technology which is basically taking input from sensors in the vehicle to actively avoid accident situations which is exactly what a self driving car must also do. Google is patenting their technology and will make money licensing it for such systems therefore making money from this project long before self driving cars become the norm.
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