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What's Your Production Number? - Share You Number With Everyone On This Thread!


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
Thanks for your line....
do you know about tax ? I am in CA do I need to register with CA dmv? or AZ? what about license issue with which State?
can you let me know?
You'll treat it just like any other car you buy. If you live in CA and you normally register any car you buy in CA, you'll do the same thing.
Why would you think you'd have to register it in AZ? Paul Elio lives in AZ and that's where Elio Motors is registered, but the Elio's will be built in Shreveport, Louisiana .
From there, they will be distributed to area marshaling centers, which would in turn send them to your local retail store. I believe they are going to make allowances for where you pick it up, but not positive on that. There has also been mention made that you could have it delivered to your door for under $100.00 (don't hold me to that number, it's something that was mentioned in passing at one of the tour stops I was at).
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