our Chevy Silverado has to be state inspected this month ..... following having to install a new battery, the garage doing the inspection, says we need to put some miles on it so its computer can clear 5 "driveability codes" .... they say these codes can only be cleared by the truck's computer and to do so we need to put some miles on it .... further they say the number of miles it takes varies widely from vehicle to vehicle .... we haven't take a day road trip in all tooooo many moons so we've decided to head for Elijah's Oyster and Fish Camp === https://www.elijahs.com/ === which is located on the water front in Wilmington, NC .... its right at 125 miles from our home and to get there we take I-40 almost all of the way .... I'll add comments and hopefully pictures when we get back .... originally, one of our interest in purchasing an Elio was for making such day trips .... hopefully when Mark gets his BEX on the market, we can once again go back to planning such outings