I'd suggest you do a search on here and find a very long thread about this exact topic.Actually I saw a very old Elio article that was 60mpg. I would be disappointed if our government gave the loan for a product that couldn't verify their mileage claim of over 75mpg. I would think modeling would maybe be OK, but who knows what the government has seen and not seen.
You're going into a area that you don't know all the details on, and making calls that you're assuming you know about.
I would suggest you stop at this point, and either find that other thread and do some studying, or just drop it all together.
You don't know a lot of specifics about the financial side of Elio Motors, and that's what it's going to take to make educated statements.
The only way you can acquire the facts you need is to be part of EM's financial side.
These are not published or discussed anywhere outside of Elio Motors.
So the best you have to offer is your opinions on what you think is going on there.